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[AutoDocs] Update Images Reference Docs (#1433)
New images added: - grafana-agent-operator Updated Docs: - argo-cli/ - argo-exec/ - argo-workflowcontroller/ - aspnet-runtime/ - atlantis/ - aws-cli/ - aws-cli/ - aws-cli-fips/ - aws-cli-fips/ - aws-ebs-csi-driver/ - aws-efs-csi-driver/ - aws-for-fluent-bit/ - aws-load-balancer-controller/ - az/ - bank-vaults/ - boring-registry/ - buck2/ - buildkit/ - bun/ - busybox/ - caddy/ - cadvisor/ - calico-node/ - calico-node-fips/ - cass-config-builder/ - cass-operator/ - cassandra/ - cassandra-medusa/ - cc-dynamic/ - cedar/ - cert-exporter/ - cert-manager-acmesolver/ - cert-manager-cainjector/ - cert-manager-cmctl/ - cert-manager-controller/ - cert-manager-webhook/ - cfssl/ - cilium-agent/ - cilium-hubble-relay/ - cilium-hubble-ui/ - cilium-hubble-ui-backend/ - cilium-operator-generic/ - clang/ - clickhouse/ - cluster-autoscaler/ - cluster-proportional-autoscaler/ - conda/ - configmap-reload/ - consul/ - coredns/ - cosign/ - crane/ - crossplane/ - crossplane-azure/ - crossplane-azure-authorization/ - crossplane-azure-managedidentity/ - crossplane-azure-sql/ - crossplane-azure-storage/ - ctlog-trillian-ctserver/ - ctlog-trillian-ctserver/ - ctlog-trillian-ctserver-fips/ - ctlog-trillian-ctserver-fips/ - curl/ - dask-gateway/ - dask-gateway-server/ - datadog-agent/ - dependency-track/ - dex/ - docker-selenium/ - doppler-kubernetes-operator/ - dotnet-runtime/ - dotnet-sdk/ - dynamic-localpv-provisioner/ - envoy/ - envoy-ratelimit/ - erlang/ - etcd/ - external-dns/ - external-secrets/ - falco-no-driver/ - falcoctl/ - falcosidekick/ - ffmpeg/ - filebeat/ - fluent-bit/ - fluent-bit-fips/ - fluentd/ - fluentd-fips/ - flux/ - flux-helm-controller/ - flux-image-automation-controller/ - flux-image-reflector-controller/ - flux-kustomize-controller/ - flux-notification-controller/ - flux-source-controller/ - fulcio/ - gatekeeper/ - git/ - gitness/ - glibc-dynamic/ - go/ - go-ipfs/ - gptscript/ - grafana/ - grype/ - guacamole-server/ - haproxy-ingress/ - helm/ - helm-chartmuseum/ - helm-operator/ - http-echo/ - hugo/ - influxdb/ - ingress-nginx-controller/ - ip-masq-agent/ - istio-install-cni/ - istio-operator/ - istio-pilot/ - istio-proxy/ - jdk/ - jdk-lts/ - jenkins/ - jenkins/ - jenkins/ - jre/ - jre-lts/ - jupyterhub-k8s-hub-fips/ - k8s-sidecar/ - k8sgpt-operator/ - k8ssandra-operator/ - k8ssandra-system-logger-fips/ - kafka/ - karpenter/ - keda/ - keda-adapter/ - keda-adapter-fips/ - keda-admission-webhooks/ - keda-admission-webhooks-fips/ - keda-fips/ - kube-downscaler/ - kube-logging-operator-fluentd/ - kube-state-metrics/ - kubectl/ - kubeflow-centraldashboard/ - kubeflow-jupyter-web-app/ - kubeflow-katib-controller/ - kubeflow-katib-db-manager/ - kubeflow-katib-earlystopping-medianstop/ - kubeflow-katib-file-metrics-collector/ - kubeflow-katib-suggestion-darts/ - kubeflow-katib-suggestion-goptuna/ - kubeflow-katib-suggestion-hyperband/ - kubeflow-katib-suggestion-hyperopt/ - kubeflow-katib-suggestion-optuna/ - kubeflow-katib-suggestion-pbt/ - kubeflow-katib-suggestion-skopt/ - kubeflow-pipelines-api-server/ - kubeflow-pipelines-cache-deployer/ - kubeflow-pipelines-cache-server/ - kubeflow-pipelines-frontend/ - kubeflow-pipelines-metadata-envoy/ - kubeflow-pipelines-metadata-writer/ - kubeflow-pipelines-persistenceagent/ - kubeflow-pipelines-scheduledworkflow/ - kubeflow-pipelines-viewer-crd-controller/ - kubeflow-pipelines-visualization-server/ - kubeflow-volumes-web-app/ - kuberay-operator/ - kubernetes-csi-external-attacher/ - kubernetes-csi-external-provisioner/ - kubernetes-csi-external-resizer/ - kubernetes-csi-external-snapshot-controller/ - kubernetes-csi-livenessprobe/ - kubernetes-dashboard/ - kubernetes-dashboard-fips/ - kubernetes-dashboard-fips/ - kubernetes-event-exporter/ - kubernetes-ingress-defaultbackend/ - kubewatch/ - kyverno-policy-reporter/ - kyverno-policy-reporter-plugin/ - kyverno-policy-reporter-ui/ - logstash-oss-with-opensearch-output-plugin/ - loki/ - management-api-for-apache-cassandra/ - mariadb/ - maven/ - meilisearch/ - meilisearch/ - melange/ - memcached/ - metacontroller/ - metacontroller/ - metrics-server/ - minio/ - minio-client/ - ml-metadata-store-server/ - nats/ - nemo/ - newrelic-fluent-bit-output/ - newrelic-infrastructure-bundle/ - newrelic-k8s-events-forwarder/ - newrelic-kube-events/ - newrelic-kube-events/ - newrelic-kubernetes/ - newrelic-kubernetes/ - newrelic-prometheus/ - newrelic-prometheus-configurator/ - nfs-subdir-external-provisioner/ - nginx/ - node/ - node-fips/ - node-lts/ - node-problem-detector/ - nodetaint/ - ntia-conformance-checker/ - ntpd-rs/ - nvidia-device-plugin/ - oauth2-proxy/ - openai/ - opensearch/ - opensearch-dashboards/ - opensearch-dashboards-fips/ - opensearch-dashboards-fips/ - opentelemetry-collector-contrib/ - opentofu/ - paranoia/ - pgbouncer/ - php/ - php-fpm_exporter/ - postgres/ - postgres-bitnami/ - postgres-bitnami-fips/ - postgres-fips/ - postgres-helm-compat/ - powershell/ - prometheus/ - prometheus-adapter/ - prometheus-alertmanager/ - prometheus-cloudwatch-exporter/ - prometheus-config-reloader/ - prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter/ - prometheus-logstash-exporter/ - prometheus-mongodb-exporter/ - prometheus-mysqld-exporter/ - prometheus-node-exporter/ - prometheus-operator/ - prometheus-postgres-exporter/ - prometheus-pushgateway/ - prometheus-pushgateway-bitnami/ - prometheus-redis-exporter/ - prometheus-statsd-exporter/ - promtail/ - proxysql/ - python/ - qdrant/ - r-base/ - rabbitmq-cluster-operator/ - rabbitmq-messaging-topology-operator/ - redis/ - redis-cluster-bitnami/ - redis-sentinel-bitnami/ - redis-server-bitnami/ - rekor-backfill-redis/ - rekor-cli/ - rekor-server/ - renovate/ - renovate/ - rqlite/ - ruby/ - rust/ - secrets-store-csi-driver/ - secrets-store-csi-driver/ - secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-gcp/ - semgrep/ - sigstore-policy-controller/ - sigstore-scaffolding-cloudsqlproxy/ - sigstore-scaffolding-ctlog-createctconfig/ - sigstore-scaffolding-ctlog-managectroots/ - sigstore-scaffolding-ctlog-verifyfulcio/ - sigstore-scaffolding-fulcio-createcerts/ - sigstore-scaffolding-getoidctoken/ - sigstore-scaffolding-rekor-createsecret/ - sigstore-scaffolding-trillian-createdb/ - sigstore-scaffolding-trillian-createtree/ - sigstore-scaffolding-trillian-updatetree/ - sigstore-scaffolding-tsa-createcertchain/ - sigstore-scaffolding-tuf-createsecret/ - sigstore-scaffolding-tuf-server/ - skaffold/ - slim-toolkit-debug/ - smarter-device-manager/ - solr/ - spire-agent/ - spire-oidc-discovery-provider/ - spire-server/ - sqlpad/ - stakater-reloader/ - statsd/ - stunnel/ - tekton-chains/ - tekton-cli/ - tekton-controller/ - tekton-entrypoint/ - tekton-events/ - tekton-nop/ - tekton-resolvers/ - tekton-sidecarlogresults/ - tekton-webhook/ - tekton-workingdirinit/ - telegraf/ - temporal-admin-tools/ - temporal-server/ - temporal-ui-server/ - terraform/ - thanos/ - thanos-operator/ - tigera-operator/ - timestamp-authority-cli/ - timestamp-authority-server/ - timoni/ - tomcat/ - tomcat/ - trillian-logserver/ - trillian-logsigner/ - trino/ - trust-manager/ - vault/ - vault-k8s/ - vector/ - vector/ - vertical-pod-autoscaler-admission-controller/ - vertical-pod-autoscaler-recommender/ - vertical-pod-autoscaler-updater/ - vt/ - wasmer/ - wasmtime/ - wavefront-proxy/ - wazero/ - weaviate/ - zig/ - zot/ Signed-off-by: GitHub <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: erikaheidi <[email protected]>
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