Space Trades
Add This Masonry Modernizr Underscore Gravitar Instagram API - Image processing Maybe(Square, Stripe) Toastr PAPER JS
Masonry Add This Underscore Modernizr Gravitar Instagram API - Image processing Square Stripe Toastr smoke.js grunt autoshot Kinetic JS PAPER JS Storm Path Mongo Connector pip var path = require('path'), // "/../.." Moves two directories back, NOT FORWARD. //__dirname = (The path of this file) = Desktop/meaner/gold/config/env /../.. jumps back two dirs rootPath = path.normalize(__dirname + '/../..'); ES6 - ECMA script export a complete object in one assignment instead of building it one property at a time, assign it to module.exports instead of exports module.exports = { JS reduce function root: rootPath, http: { Sets the port to the environment variable named PORT. If this is not defined (false) set the port to 3000 port: process.env.PORT || 3000 Honey Badger - Ruby error management CDATA - Character Data Lodash - utility library describe it expect .toBe .not nodemon - reloads the page Albania Macedonia beforeEach afterEach mean list Dictionary Chai Mocha //addEventListener //font squirrel :link Css :visited Css + Adjacent Selector Css thead tbody tfoot $index $new ARIA Accessible Rich Internet Applications CORS - Cross Origin Resource Sharing
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Custom Packages are generated by the mean scaffolder and contain most of your application logic. Custom packages are found in /packages/custom and can be published as a contrib package for use by other developers. Contrib Packages are installed by the mean installer and are found at /packages/contrib. Contrib packages are "plug and play". Core Packages All Core packages can be overridden by other packages allowing you to extend and adapt it to fit your specific needs. See overriding core packages for detailed examples System The system package creates the basic pages as well as defines the layout of the site and integrates the menu into the page. The system package also allows us to define things such as rendering engines, static files and routing on the client and server side. Users The users package creates the database model of the user, provides validation as well as various login and registration features. Access The access package managers permissions and middleware. It controls the various authentication methods and is dependent on the users package Theme The theme package adds some basic CSS and other assets such as images and backgrounds Articles Articles package is typically used as an example, starting point for managing content that might be used in a blog or cms. The full CRUD is implemented on the server and client. Show git tracked files git ls-tree Ignore in JSHINT /* jshint ignore:start*/ /* jshint ignore:end*/ Root Domain as opposed to Push all branches git push --all origin Create a new branch git branch -D [name] Delete a branch mean postinstall npm cache clean bower cache clean bower install -S Git Pull is Not Possible, Unmerged Files