##Here I did
- data importing
- merging two different data set
- making a graph
- visualizing data on a map
- inserting footnotes
- making links
- inserting Shiny apps
##Additional packages installed ###1) texreg - to display the results of the statistical analysis ###2) plm - to run the linear regression model for panel data ###3) mapproj - to insert the map of China ###4) gridExtra - to show multiple graphs
##Had a difficulty in rendering site because the files were too large. ##Solved this problem by running the commands below through gitbash. ###git stage -A ###git commit -m "Rendered the full site" ###git push
This is the repository for your final project. It is up to you to decide how to structure your files and directories. The final result will be a website created using R Markdown.
You can see the rendered example site here.