- Python 2.7.X (Assuming Python in installed, from the command prompt type python -V)
- Git
Get the source code using "Git" or download and unzip the code.
git clone http://github.com/cfreder2/tweet_wrangler
Install required libraries for tweet_wrangler.py
pip install tweepy if you have trouble with tweepy on OS X, use: sudo -H pip install tweepy --ignore-installed six
pip install clint
or if an old version is already installedpip install -U clint
Install required libraries for tweet_add_sentiment.py
pip install textblob
Install required libraries for tweet_word_count.py
python -m textblob.download_corpora
twitter_auth.py contains contains your twitter API keys and tokens (4 in all) to be entered. You must enter your API keys from https://apps.twitter.com/ into this file before using tweet_wrangler.py
tweet_wrangler.py is used to collect tweets using Twitter's search or stream API. Tweets are gathered, parsed, and stored as a simple to process comma seperated file (csv).
- Search for term cats OR dogs:
python tweet_wrangler.py --search cats,dogs
- Search for term cats OR dogs and limit the results to 20 tweets:
python tweet_wrangler.py --search cats,dogs --n 20
By default search only returns 100 tweets. Twitter caps the search API at round 1500 tweets. - Stream tweets including the term cats OR dogs:
python tweet_wrangler.py --stream cats,dogs
- Stream tweets including the term cats AND dogs:
python tweet_wrangler.py --stream "cats dogs"
- These AND terms can also be comma separated, for example:
python tweet_wrangler.py --stream "cats dogs", "foo bar", "birds fish"
- By default tweets are written to tweets.csv. use --f to change:
python tweet_wrangler.py --stream cats,dogs --f my_file.csv
- Header rows are not written by default, use --h to write a header row:
python tweet_wrangler.py --stream cats,dogs --h --f my_file.csv
- If you stream or search and your output file already exists your new tweets will be appended to the end of that file. In that case you may not want to write the header row, so simply leave off the --h flag.
tweet_add_sentiment.py opens a csv file created by tweet_wrangler.py and adds the following columns:
- polarity_score: a decimal number between -1 and 1
- polarity_text: nuetral = 0.2 to -0.2, positive > 0.2, negative < 0.2)
- detected_language: (2 digit code) all tweets are convereted to english (en) before sentiment is calculated
Example Usage without header row:
python tweet_add_sentiment.py --input_file tweets.csv --output_file tweets_sentiment.csv
Example Usage with header row:
python tweet_add_sentiment.py --h --input_file tweets.csv --output_file tweets_sentiment.csv
tweet_word_count.py requires a csv file created by tweet_add_sentiment.py as it's input. Each word in a tweet becomes a new line in a fact table with the following columns.
- date
- word
- frequency
- polarity_score
- polarity_text
Example Usage without header row:
python tweet_word_frequency.py --input_file tweets_sentiment.csv --output_file tweet_word_frequency.csv
Example Usage with header row:
python tweet_word_frequency.py --h --input_file tweets_sentiment.csv --output_file tweet_word_frequency.csv
Try and only extract noun phrases:
python tweet_word_frequency.py --nouns --input_file tweets_sentiment.csv --output_file tweet_word_frequency.csv
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.