What's Changed
- Prevent default behavior of button so search form doesn't submit by @anselmbradford in #383
- Fix missing space in advanced tooltips toggle by @anselmbradford in #384
- CCDB: Move, restyle, and reorder trends/list/map tabs by @anselmbradford in #386
- CCDB: Update disclaimer content and modal link by @anselmbradford in #387
- Remove padding on list panel heading by @anselmbradford in #388
- Remove incomplete periods from Line and Stacked Area charts by @flacoman91 in #385
- adding unit tests to the narratives PR by @flacoman91 in #392
- CCDB: Add narrative filter buttons to the list panel's refine bar by @anselmbradford in #390
- Adjust notification txt by @anselmbradford in #393
- Update modal z-index by @anselmbradford in #391
- Update TabbedNavigation.less to remove gap below inactive tab buttons by @anselmbradford in #394
- Add margin to no results heading by @anselmbradford in #395
- Add missing upper-right border by @anselmbradford in #396
- Fix notification gap by @anselmbradford in #397
- Area chart max count fix and disable typeahead by @flacoman91 in #402
- Ans fix area chart by @imuchnik in #401
- 1783- missing date inclusive date range chart fixes by @flacoman91 in #403
- Convert PerCapita component to functional component by @anselmbradford in #398
- Adjust showChart logic to be greater than 1 instead of greater than 2 by @anselmbradford in #399
- 1854 - Disable the typeahead when all data or narratives is selected in search bar by @flacoman91 in #400
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.4.8...2.4.9