usbip-win 0.3.0 (kmdf ude)
UPDATE: Files are updated from 77f9c6f and usbip_vhci_ude.pdb is newly added for debug message tracing.
Here are a new vhci driver which have been built with VS 2019(x64/debug configuration).
These binaries were built against vhci_ude branch, which is developed from scratch via KMDF(Kernel-Mode Driver Framework) UDE(USB Device Emulation).
Installation and attach command are slightly changed. Please refer
- driver/vhci_ude folder is newly added.
- Only usbip_vhci_ude.inf is required for vhci driver installation.
- install_ude and attach_ude command of usbip.exe should be used in order to work with ude-version vhci.
- vhci(ude) driver version goes up to 0.5.0