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Helm charts for deploying the CERN Digital Memory OAIS platform


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OAIS Platform on Kubernetes

This repository provides a Helm chart to deploy the CERN Digital Memory platform on a Kubernetes cluster.

This setup makes use of some CERN specific technology (EOS volume mounts, SSO) and it's designed for a k8s cluster orchestrated by OpenShift. You may need some modification to make this work on a different stack (e.g. minikube). See this paragraph for more information.

Table of contents:


Here's the structure of this repository:

  • oais-openshift/, Helm chart and templates
  • Dockerfile, to build the base image
  • develop/, values for our develop deployment (luteus)
  • master/, values for our stable deployment (galanos)
  • preserve-qa/, values for our preserve-qa deployment
  • .gitlab-ci.yml, CI/CD pipeline


  • Helm
  • OpenShift Client
  • Docker (if building the image from source)

Download the OpenShift CLI client:

curl -o oc.tar.gz
tar -xf oc.tar.gz
sudo mv ./oc /usr/bin/oc

Download Helm:

curl -o helm.tar.gz
tar -xf helm.tar.gz
sudo mv ./linux-amd64/helm /usr/bin/helm

Clone the repository

Start by cloning this repository

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd openshift-deploy

Docker image

The main application will be provided by a Docker image, defined by the Dockerfile in this repository.

The image:

  • Pulls node and any npm requirement for the frontend
  • Generates a static build of the frontend
  • Pulls python and python requirements, preparing an enviroment that will be able to run Django


The easiest option is to pull it from our Docker containers registry:

# Use the image from this repository registry
docker run

# Build the docker image
docker build --tag <name> .

# Push the image on a registry of your choice
docker push <name>

We provide two "channels" for this image:

Channel Oais-web branch Oais-platform branch BagIt-Create branch
oais_dev develop develop git/develop version
oais_master master master tagged released version

Build yourself

You can also build the Docker image image yourself. It expects to be built from a context folder where both the backend and frontend are cloned.


git clone ssh://[email protected]:7999/digitalmemory/oais-platform.git
git clone ssh://[email protected]:7999/digitalmemory/oais-web.git
docker build .

You can specify the context by passing the --context parameter to the Docker command

Deploy on OpenShift

Preliminar notes

Some features may require additional setup:

  • Sentry
  • EOS Volumes
  • InvenioRDM
  • Archivematica
  • CTA and FTS

This section will be focusing on k8s/openshift-related configuration steps and in what way they should be combined. Details on how to obtain the values and set up the configurable features won't be covered here: refer to the configurations paragraphs on the backend, frontend and Archivematica documentation.

Create an OpenShift project

Go to and create a project. Note the project name. On the OpenShift panel, go to your user click "copy login command" and note:

  • Your auth token
  • The OpenShift cluster API endpoint (should be


Login and select the desired project. To login, you can copy the login command directly from the OpenShift dashboard.

oc login --token=<token> --server=
oc project <project>


First, let's set some configuration variables by editing the values.yaml file. An example is found in oais-openshift/values.yaml.

Name Description
oais/hostname Should be set to <openshift_project_name>
oais/image Set as you prefer, but long and safe strings.
oidc/clientId From your registered CERN Application, for CERN SSO.
inveniordm/baseUrl Base URL of your InvenioRDM instance
oais/sipPath Base path where SIPs will be created and uploaded. Must exist and be writeable.


Some other configuration values need to be set as secrets.

oc create secret generic \
  --from-literal="POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=<value>" \
  --from-literal="DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=<value>" \
  --from-literal="OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET=<value>" \
  --from-literal="SENTRY_DSN=<value>" \
  --from-literal="INVENIO_API_TOKEN=<value>" \
  --from-literal="AM_API_KEY=<value>" \
  --from-literal="AM_SS_API_KEY=<value>" \
Secret name Description
POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD Passphrase to login to Postgres. Set as you prefer, but long and safe strings.
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY Set as you prefer, but long and safe strings.
OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET From your registered CERN Application, for CERN SSO.
SENTRY_DSN SENTRY_DSN value from your Sentry project
INVENIO_API_TOKEN Token to authenticate and publish to the InvenioRDM instance specified in inveniordm/baseUrl
AM_API_KEY Token to authenticate to archivematica dashboard specified in username > Your Profile > Users
AM_SS_API_KEY Token to authenticate to archivematica storage service specified in username > Your Profile > Users


Deploy the platform on the cluster. Choose the release name you prefer.

helm install <RELEASE_NAME> ./oais-openshift --values=values.yaml

Update configuration

If you changed the chart or the values:

# Select the project
oc project
# List releases
helm list
# Upgrade
helm upgrade <RELEASE_NAME> ./oais-openshift --values=values.yaml

By default, this won't re-pull of the images.


You need the public and private (passwordless) parts of a Grid certificate to authenticate with FTS. More information can be found here.

oc create secret generic \
  --from-file=public=<PATH_TO_THE_PUBLIC_PART> \
  --from-file=private=<PATH_TO_THE_PRIVATE_PART> \


If you plan to use EOS (e.g. for the sipPath), you need some additional steps. Please refer to PaaS@CERN: How to mount an EOS volume on a deployed application to learn more.

First, you need to provide the credentials of a CERN account able to read/write from those folders on EOS:

oc create secret generic \
  --from-literal="KEYTAB_USER=<USERNAME>" \
  --from-literal="KEYTAB_PWD=<PASSWORD>" \

Then, inject the authentication sidecar to the Django and Celery deployments:

oc patch deploy/oais-platform -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"eos-credentials"}}}}}'

oc patch deploy/celery -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"eos-credentials"}}}}}'

Finally, attach a PVC to the django deployment:

oc set volume deployment/oais-platform --add --name=eos --type=persistentVolumeClaim --mount-path=/eos --claim-name=eos-volume-celery --claim-class=eos --claim-size=1

Deploy changes

After changing any configuration file, update the configuration on the cluster

helm upgrade <release-name> ./oais-openshift

Continuous Deployment

To allow a pipeline executor run these commands, without having to authenticate as you, let's create an OpenShift service account:

oc create sa gitlab-ci

Grant edit permissions to the new service account

oc policy add-role-to-user edit -z gitlab-ci

The API token to be used from the CI/CD pipeline is automatically generated and saved in the secrets. Go to the Project details on the OpenShift dashboards, select Secrets and select the gitlab-ci-token-XXXX secret. The token string can be used in the oc login commands.

This token is set as "CI Variable" in GitLab and read it from the pipeline definition.

To use a single service account for multiple projects (e.g. in this setup for the two deployments), after logging in with an account that has permissions on both, you can run:

oc policy add-role-to-user admin system:serviceaccount:dm-luteus:gitlab-ci -n dm-galanos

This gives the gitlab-ci service account, created in dm-luteus, admin permissions also in dm-galanos so only 1 token can be used and set up.

Current configuration

Whenever new commits are pushed to oais-web or oais-platform, the pipeline on openshift-deployment is triggered to make a new deployment. This pipeline creates a new commit on openshift-deployment that updates the git submodules in the repository. After the commit is pushed, the docker image is rebuilt and the configuration is deployed on OpenShift.

This behaviour is defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file of the following repositories:

Archivematica integration

To integrate archivematica with the platform modify the variables in your values.yaml file

  • AM_URL: Url that hosts archivematica dashboard
  • AM_USERNAME: Archivematica user name
  • AM_SS_URL: Url that hosts archivematica storage service
  • AM_SS_USERNAME: Archivematica storage service user name
  • AM_TRANSFER_SOURCE: Add the uuid of the transfer source (at Storage service go to Locations and copy the UUID of the transfer source location)

Additional configuration

When you have deployed archivematica, you need to make sure that both archivematica and the platform have read/write access on the same folder. To do this you need to specify the following values in your values.yaml file

  • oais.sipPath: The directory where the platform stores the created SIPs
  • oais.aipPath: The directory where the platform expects the AIPs from archivematica
  • archivematica.am_abs_directory: The directory where archivematica expects the SIPs from the platform (must be the same with oais.sipPath)

Make sure Archivematica has access to the eos volume

You should've run similar steps as the one listed in the EOS paragraph of this document to mount the EOS volume in Archivematica too.

oc patch deploy/archivematica-all -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"eos-credentials"}}}}}'
oc set volume deployment/archivematica-all --add --name=eos --type=persistentVolumeClaim --mount-path=/eos --claim-name=eos-volume --claim-class=eos --claim-size=1

"AIP Storage" (SS Locations) must be set to oais.aipPath

In addition the Transfer Source and AIPStorage locations must be configured manually from the Storage Service by going to Locations tab and on the AIP Storage purpose row click the Edit action.

In the Relative Path text area put the AIP path (the one used above in the oais.aipPath field) and make sure archivematica and the platform have read/write access to it. Click the Edit Location button at the bottom of the page to save the configuration.

"Transfer Source" (SS Locations) must be set to oais.aipPath

The same steps must be followed for the Transfer Source purpose row but you need to put the SIP path instead.

Set a quota for SS "Internal Processing"

Go to Spaces, click View Details and Locations and edit Storage Service Internal Processing. Set quota to 1000000 (10GB) as this will be preallocated and we don't want to exceed what the PVC attached to the pod has been reserved (see archivematica-k8s for details)

Local deployment on Kubernetes

You can test the deployment locally using k8s (e.g. with minikube) by setting the following values in oais-openshift/values.yaml:

  • oais.checkHostname: false
  • redis.persistence.enabled: false
  • postgres.persistence.enabled: false
  • route.enabled: false

To access the control interface, add type: NodePort to spec in the oais-platform service and then visit the URL given by

minikube service --url oais-platform



Helm charts for deploying the CERN Digital Memory OAIS platform







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