A training tool for research in the development of conversant augmentative communication systems, to monitor responses from individuals with complex communication needs (ALS, cerebral palsy, autism).
- Prerequisite: Python (3.4 or above)
- Clone the repo in a directory or create a directory and download the files manually in it.
- In the terminal of that directory, run the command: python -m venv env
- Activate the virtual environment:
- For Windows users, run the command: env\Scripts\activate
- For macOS/Linux users, run the command: source env/bin/activate
- Now run the command: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Add a file in the directory called 'config.py' and paste the following text with your OpenAI API key:
- To run the server: flask --app server run
- Go to the link mentioned in the terminal output (most likely
- To exit flask server, press Ctrl^C (Windows) or Command^C (Mac).
- Exit the virtual environment with the command: deactivate
- Type or record prompt to the Chatbot.
- To record, press the 'r' key. To stop recording press the 's' key.
- To generate AI response, press 'Enter' key.
- To play the first AI response as audio, press the '1' key.
- To play the second AI response as audio, press the '2' key.
- To clear the screen, press the 'c' key.
- Click on 'Generate' to receive a user prompt.
- From the given list of words, enter any combination of words.
- Press the 'send' icon to get the score.
- The score represents how accurate the user's response was to the generated prompt.