A promisified DBpedia SPARQL client that keeps it simple.
npm install dbpedia-sparql-client
Requires fetch when running in a browser. If fetch is not available, install a fetch polyfill
import dps from 'dbpedia-sparql-client';
const query = `SELECT DISTINCT ?Concept WHERE {[] a ?Concept} LIMIT 10`;
.timeout(15000) // optional, defaults to 10000
.asJson() // or asXml()
.then(r => { /* handle success */})
.catch(e => { /* handle error */});
var dps = require('dbpedia-sparql-client').default;
var query = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?Concept WHERE {[] a ?Concept} LIMIT 10';
.timeout(15000) // optional, defaults to 10000
.asJson() // or asXml()
.then(function(r) { /* handle success */ })
.catch(function(e) { /* handle error */ });