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Sketch Settings

Daeinc edited this page Feb 20, 2024 · 17 revisions

Ssam uses the settings object you provide to prepare and set up the canvas. Any undefined settings will use the default values.

Document Settings

name type default description
title string "Sketch" Set HTML document title. It is displayed at top of tab or window.

Canvas Settings

name type default description
mode "2d" | "webgl" | "webgl2" "2d" See modes for details.
parent HTMLElement | string body Set an existing HTML element as canvas parent. It can be either an HTMLElement or a selector. ex. document.querySelector('div#app'), div#container
canvas HTMLCanvasElement null Use an existing canvas instead of creating a new one. ex. document.querySelector('canvas#my-canvas')
dimensions [number, number] 100% of parent's dimensions Set Canvas width and height in px. If not set, it will use the 100% of the parent dimensions.
pixelRatio number 1 Set other than 1 for higher quality image on supported displays (ie. Apple Retina display)
scaleToParent boolean true Scale canvas to fit inside its parent element.
scaleContext boolean true When true, will scale context so px values can work for high pixel ratio.
pixelated boolean false Pixelate canvas rendering

Animation Settings

name type default description
animate boolean true Set to true for animating. Set to false for static sketches or render-on-demand (use with render function prop).
playFps number null Set frame rate for playback. This throttles the rendering frequency but the exact frame rate is not guaranteed. If not set, will use the current display refresh rate. Most displays at 60Hz but newer ones at 90, 120Hz or even higher.
exportFps number 60 Set frame rate for video/GIF export. You can go as high as a format supports (try 120fps with mp4). GIF is capped at 50fps.
duration number Infinity Set loop duration in ms (ex. 4000 = 4 sec)
numLoops number 1 Set how many times to loop a sketch. This value is used to determine the video export duration. Track the current loop count with props.loopCount.

Export Settings

name type default description
filename string "" Set file name for exported file. if not set, it will use the current datetime string
prefix string "" Set prefix to filename
suffix string "" Set suffix to filename
frameFormat "png" | "jpeg" | "jpg" | "webp" "png" Set image export format. To export multiple formats at the same time, use array like ["png", "webp"].
framesFormat "gif" | "mp4" | "mp4-browser" | "webm" | "png" [] Set moving image export format. To export multiple frames formats at the same time, use array like ["webm", "gif"]. "mp4" and "png" are only supported in dev server with ffmpeg installed. "mp4-browser" uses WebCodecs for in-browser encoding. You can also pass { format, codecStrings } for "webm" and "mp4-browser".
hotkeys boolean true Set to false to disable keyboard shortcuts


name type default description
data object {} extra data to pass to the sketch. it is accessible via
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