Software for Generating Models of JCVI-Syn3A Nucleoids May 2023, David S. Goodsell, provided as is for unrestricted use.
ModularNucleoid is used to generate models of the minimal genome bacterium JCVI-Syn3A, producing a series of models that test hypotheses about transcription, condensation, and overall distribution of the genome.
: Centroids of ribosomes from cryoEM in nm, should be centered on the origin.4v6k_mask.pdb
: Mask file for ribosome (lattice coordinates=3.4nm).6c6u_mask.pdb
: Mask file for RNA polymerase.7nyx_mask.pdb
: Mask file for SMC.syn3A.genome
: RNA polymerase positions and genomic information position of RNApol (bp), length of mRNA (bases), length of segment between pol and previous pol (bp), direction of transcription (1 or -1), transcribed (1) or noncoding (0), gene ID, common name of gene product
gfortran generate_connect.f -o generate_connect
gfortran generate_pol.f subroutines.f -o generate_pol
gfortran modularlattice.f subroutines.f -o modularlattice
gfortran relax.f -o relax
: Includes the entire pipeline. The script includes a for loop for generating multiple instances of a particular model. In tests, themodularlattice
step fails roughly half of the time due to crowding, so repeat with a different random seed.jmol.script
: Includes a short script for Jmol for visualizing lattice models and relaxed models.
- Generate connectivity information with
- Generates a ".connect" file used by ModularLattice.
- This version is hardwired for a syn3A genome with 54300 beads, lattice units of 10 bp/bead.
- Reads genome information from an input file with RNApol positions and nascent mRNA length.
- SMC loops are placed between RNApol positions greater than a user defined minimum DNA segment length.
- Mature mRNA is chosen randomly from nascent mRNA length, and one ribosome is placed at the center.
- Input parameters:
#genome file with RNApol positions and mRNA length (bp units)syn3A.connect
#output .connect file503,187,187
#number of ribosomes, RNApol, and SMC120
#minimum DNA length to add SMC (lattice units)
./generate_connect syn3A.genome syn3A.connect 503,187,187 120
- Generate positions of RNA polymerase, ribosomes, and SMC with
- Reads ribosome positions and generates RNApol positions using a random walk.
- SMC is placed between RNApol positions.
- Hardwired for lattice units of 10bp/bead.
- Input parameters:
: Ribosome positions (nm, should be centered on origin)6c6u_mask.pdb
: Mask file for RNApol4v6k_mask.pdb
: Mask file for ribosome7nyx_mask.pdb
: Mask file for SMCsyn3A.pdb
: Output coordinate file (lattice units)187
: Number of RNApol and SMC201.26
: Radius of cell (nm)1234
: Random seed20.
: Max distance between successive RNApolRANDOM
: RANDOM or CIRCLE placement of RNApol
./generate_pol syn3Asmall_ribosomes.pdb 6c6u_mask.pdb 4v6k_mask.pdb 7nyx_mask.pdb syn3A.pdb 187 201.26 1234 20. RANDOM
Note: Uses a wasteful approach that repeats RNApol generation until a closed circular genome is obtained.
- Generate lattice model of genome with
- Reads coordinates of RNApol, ribosomes and SMC from
, and DNA/RNA chain lengths and connectivity fromgenerate_connect.f
. - Creates lattice model of DNA, nascent/mature mRNA, and nascent protein.
- Input parameters:
: input coordinate file with RNApol, ribosome, SMC templatessyn3A.connect
: input file that defines DNA/RNA chain lengths and connectionssyn3A_lattice.pdb
: output lattice coordinates0
: supercoiling number of DNA beads per turn1234
: random seed60.
: cell radius (lattice units)
- Reads coordinates of RNApol, ribosomes and SMC from
./modularlattice syn3A.pdb syn3A.connect syn3A_lattice.pdb 0 1234 60.
Note: Largely hardwired for syn3A with simple RNApol, ribosomes, and SMC. In tests with syn3A models, fails ~half of the time due to crowding! Try again with a different random seed.
- Optimize the model with
- Relaxes a set of lattice coordinates using a simple force field.
- Molecule positions and control points from
are held rigid. - Input parameters:
: input lattice coordinatessyn3A_relax.pdb
: output relaxed coordinates1500
: optimization steps
./relax syn3A_lattice.pdb syn3A_relax.pdb 1500