This is a trading script for ArmA 3 RPG Life.
A working installation of ArmA Life RPG Framework is required for a successful installation. Modifying the ArmA Life RPG Framework could cause errors – feel free to connect to our discord if you have a problem.
Download the newest release and extract the archive. Copy the folder "trade" in your “cation” folder that can be found in the root folder (subsequently called <mission>) of your mission.
Open <mission>/cation/cation_functions.cpp and insert
#include "trade\functions.cpp"
and save the file.
Open <mission>/cation/cation_master.cpp and insert
#include "trade\config.cpp"
and save the file.
Open <mission>/cation/cation_remoteExec.cpp and insert
#include "trade\remoteExec.cpp"
and save the file.
Open <mission/core/functions/fn_handleItem.sqf and replace 3x
and save the file.
Open life_server/Functions/Systems/fn_spawnVehicle.sqf and replace
_vehicle setVariable["dbInfo",[(_vInfo select 4),_vInfo select 7]];
_vehicle setVariable["dbInfo",[(_vInfo select 4),_vInfo select 7],true];
and save the file.
Open life_server/Functions/Systems/fn_vehicleCreate.sqf and replace
_vehicle setVariable["dbInfo",[_uid,_plate]];
_vehicle setVariable["dbInfo",[_uid,_plate],true];
and save the file.
That’s it!
You have installed the cationstudio trade system successfully!
You can adjust settings in <mission>/cation/trade/config.cpp.
In the settings it is important to set ArmA Life version to your used version.
Texts and translations can be edited in <mission>/cation/trade/language.cpp.
To start trading press the key combination “SHIFT + J” and look at the same moment at the person you want to trade with. This key combination can be edited in <mission>/cation/trade/config.cpp.
The logo can be changed by replacing <mission>/cation/trade/logo.paa with another picture.