This is a crafting script for ArmA 3 RPG Life.
A working installation of ArmA Life RPG Framework is required for a successful installation. Modifying the ArmA Life RPG Framework could cause errors – feel free to connect to our discord if you have a problem.
Download the newest release and extract the archive. Copy the attached folder “craftingV2” in your “cation” folder that can be found in the root folder (subsequently called <mission>) of your mission.
Open <mission>/cation/cation_functions.cpp and insert
#include "craftingV2\functions.cpp"
and save the file.
Open <mission>/cation/cation_master.cpp and insert
#include "craftingV2\config.cpp"
and save the file.
Open <mission>/cation/cation_remoteExec.cpp and insert
#include "craftingV2\remoteExec.cpp"
and save the file.
Execute the following statement in your database:
`playerid` varchar(17) NOT NULL,
`civ_plans` text NOT NULL,
`cop_plans` text NOT NULL,
`med_plans` text NOT NULL,
`east_plans` text NOT NULL,
`civ_points` int(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
`cop_points` int(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`med_points` int(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`east_points` int(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`playerid`)
Open <mission>/stringtable.xml and search for the line
<Package name="Life_Items">
and insert below the following block
<Original>Copper Blueprint</Original>
<German>Bauplan für Kupfer</German>
<Original>Diamond Blueprint</Original>
<German>Bauplan für Diamant</German>
<Key ID="STR_Item_SuperCrazyWeapon">
<Original>Super Crazy Weapon</Original>
<German>Super verrückte Waffe</German>
and save the file.
Open <mission>/config/Config_vItems.hpp and search for the line
class VirtualItems {
and insert below the following line
#include "..\cation\craftingV2\config\plans.cpp"
and save the file.
Open <mission>/core/pmenu/fn_useItem.sqf and search for the line
switch (_item) do {
and insert before the line the following code
private _craftingPlans = [];
private _variable = getText(_x >> "variable");
_craftingPlans pushBack _variable;
} forEach ("true" configClasses (missionConfigFile >> "Cation_CraftingV2" >> "plans"));
if (_item in _craftingPlans) exitWith {
if ([false,_item,1] call life_fnc_handleInv) then {
[_item,true] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_handlePlan;
and save the file.
Open <mission>/core/pmenu/fn_useItem.sqf and search for the line
switch (true) do {
and insert before the line the following code
private _craftingPlans = [];
private _variable = getText(_x >> "variable");
_craftingPlans pushBack _variable;
} forEach ("true" configClasses (missionConfigFile >> "Cation_CraftingV2" >> "plans"));
switch (true) do {
case (_item in _craftingPlans): {
if ([false,_item,1] call life_fnc_handleInv) then {
[_item,true] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_handlePlan;
and save the file.
The base installation is now finished. To randomly drop blueprints for items you can use the following function call:
[CHANCE,MINRARITY,MAXRARITY] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_randomPlan;
CHANCE = Drop chance: Integer between 1 and 100 (corresponds to 1% to 100% drop chance of blueprint).
MINRARITY = Minimal rarity of dropped blueprint: Integer starting with 0 (Rarities are defined in <mission>/cation/craftingV2/config/rarities.cpp).
MAXRARITY = Maximum rarity of dropped blueprint: Integer starting with 0 (Rarities are defined in <mission>/cation/craftingV2/config/rarities.cpp).
In the following you will find a “few examples” that will give you an idea how and where to use the function call:
- Fisching
Open <mission>/core/actions/fn_dpFisch.sqf and insert at the bottom
[50,2] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_randomPlan;
and save the file.
- Gathering
Open <mission>/core/actions/fn_gather.sqf and search for the line
if ([true,_resource,_diff] call life_fnc_handleInv) then {
and insert below the following line
[20,0,1] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_randomPlan;
and save the file.
- Gutting animals
Open <mission>/core/actions/fn_gutAnimal.sqf and search for the line
if ([true,_item,1] call life_fnc_handleInv) then {
and insert below the following line
[60,0,5] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_randomPlan;
and save the file.
- Impounding vehicles
Open <mission>/core/actions/fn_impoundAction.sqf and search for the line
hint format [localize "STR_NOTF_Impounded",_type,[_value] call life_fnc_numberText];
and insert below the following line
[30,0,3] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_randomPlan;
and save the file.
- Mining
Open <mission>/core/actions/fn_mine.sqf and search for the line
if (([true, _mined, _diff] call life_fnc_handleInv)) then {
and insert below the following line
[20,0,1] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_randomPlan;
and save the file.
- Bounty hunting
Open <mission>/core/cop/fn_bountyReceive.sqf and insert at the bottom
[] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_randomPlan;
and save the file.
- Questioning drug dealer
Open <mission>/core/cop/fn_questionDealer.sqf and insert at the bottom
[30,0,1] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_randomPlan;
and save the file.
- Repairing doors
Open <mission>/core/cop/fn_repairDoor.sqf and insert at the bottom
[40,2] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_randomPlan;
and save the file.
- *Defusing bombs`
Open <mission>/core/cop/fn_defuseKit.sqf and insert at the bottom
[90,2] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_randomPlan;
and save the file.
- Reviving players
Open <mission>/core/medic/fn_revivePlayer.sqf and insert at the bottom
[75,2] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_randomPlan;
and save the file.
That's it!
You have installed the cationstudio crafting system successfully!
You can adjust basic settings in <mission>/cation/craftingV2/config.cpp.
In the settings it is important to set ArmA Life version to your used version.
Texts and translations can be edited in <mission>/cation/craftingV2/config/language.cpp.
The crafting categories can be set in <mission>/cation/craftingV2/config/categories.cpp. In this config file you will find an example with a short description. The example can be duplicated and adjusted by your needs.
The crafting levels can be set in <mission>/cation/craftingV2/config/levels.cpp. In this config file you will find an example with a short description. The example can be duplicated and adjusted by your needs too.
The crafting blue prints can be adjusted in <mission>/cation/craftingV2/config/plans.cpp. In this config file you will find some examples with short descriptions. These examples can be duplicated and adjusted by your needs too.
Rarities of blue prints can be set in <mission>/cation/craftingV2/config/rarities.cpp. In this config file you will find some examples with short descriptions. These examples can be duplicated and adjusted by your needs too.
Crafting stations can be created in <mission>/cation/craftingV2/config/stations.cpp. In this config file you will find some examples with short descriptions. These examples can be duplicated and adjusted by your needs too.
The crafting system can opened in-game in two different ways:
- Via addAction in the init of an object on the map (mission.sqm). Init Code:
this allowDamage false;
this enableSimulation false;
this addAction[(["Title"] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_getText),{["CRAFTINGSTATION"] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_initDialog}];
- Via Button, for examlple in your y-menu. onButtonClick code:
onButtonClick = "closeDialog 0; [""CRAFTINGSTATION""] call cat_craftingV2_fnc_initDialog;";
In both cases you have to pass the attribute that defines the opened crafting stations. This attribut must be a class name of a class defined in <mission>/cation/craftingV2/config/stations.cpp. For example if a station class is defined as follows:
class craftingItems {
spawnmarker = ""; // name of marker where vehicle should spawn. Must be available on map
categories[] = {"item","weapon"}; // defined in categories.cpp: enter classnames
the string attribute CRAFTINGSTATION has to be replaced with craftingItems.