Two arrangments of the song from the American Civil War, the Battle Cry of Freedom for viola and 2 cellos Strongly inspired by the mournful piano arrangment feature in Ken Burns' The Civil War documentary series
The song "Hard Tiems Come Again No More" by Stephen Foster arranged for solo viola in the keys of G and C major
With a few exceptions, this music has been arranged with the intent of being played by a computer syntesizer, and while some effort has been put into making things readable, the music may not be nicely formatted for human players or even playable. In general, arrangments for string instruments are in the appropate range, but may include immpossible to play note combinations such as three or four simultanious notes. Of course, that's no reason not to try it anyway.
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Lilypond code and music associated with it is licensed under Creative Commonds Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (see for more information), except where in Public Domain or another copyright notice is indicated in the LilyPond file or on the sheet music PDF