Android Beginner Level Exercises
• CakeDesign: Simple UI exercise for a "cake design" social network based. Creation of two layouts: portrait and landscape.
• Calcolatrice1: Simple calculator, when a button is pressed the value of the number is changed. In this exercise i used android:onClick in the XML.
• Calcolatrice2: Simple calculator, when a button is pressed the value of the number is changed. In this exercise i used the Observer pattern with an "OnClick Listener".
• TouchEvents: An image and a textview to manage multiple Touch Events.
• NumeroPrimo: Calculates if a number is a prime number. Made with AsyncTask and the doInBackground function.
• RichiestaHTTP: Simple HTTP request using AsyncTask class. (If you don't use this method you need to create a new Thread)
• RichiestaHttpVolley: Simple HTTP request using Volley Library (official Android Documentation)
• TestIntent: When a button is pressed, another activity is launched via an Intent. In the second Activity, when a "call" button is pressed, the dialer application is opened.
• UserDatabase: a User Database using Android Room Library. 5 Users are stored, and you can search a user from an ID.
• Contacts: App that display a list of Contacts based on a custom Adapter. When the user click on one contact, starts another activity that show only the details of the specific contact.
• Position: App that, only after the user permissions, display the current location (and changes as the user moves) and the address.
• Map: App that show a Google Map fragment. At the button click "Show Users" displays the markers at the users positions. At the button click "My Position" display the current user position.