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Discover CNES 3D open-source tools through a realistic scenario

This workshop will present a series of 3D open source tools from CNES (French space agency). We will start with two stereo satellite acquisitions and aim to produce a 3D change map.

In many application fields, more and more scientific and business applications need 3D earth elevation information. Moreover, with the increasing availability of data (especially satellites), 3D change detection between several dates of the same 3D scene becomes possible to answer more application needs.

In the frame of a future dedicated CO3D constellation, CNES (French space agency) has developed open source 3D tools around CARS main pipeline tool. These tools are made available for massive Digital Surface Model production with a robust and performant design, but also for research aims.

During this workshop, you will discover how to:

  • generate 3D Digital Surface Models from two sets of stereo satellite images before and after the earthquake through CARS tool
From stereo images CARS produces a Digital Surface Model (DSM)
Pre event drawing drawing drawing
Post event drawing drawing drawing
  • extract the Digital Terrain Models from Digital Surface Models with Bulldozer tool
From DSM Bulldozer produces a Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
Pre event drawing drawing
Post event drawing drawing
  • quantify and localize the 3D change with Demcompare tool
From Digital Height Model (DSM-DTM) DemCompare quantifies 3D change (post-pre)
Pre event drawing drawing
Post event drawing drawing

Through a technical use case, the following CNES tools will be described: