17 Bash script exercises done to improve my script skills. Below is presented a brief description of each script:
sequence.sh -> Write a shell script to display number 1 to 5.
compare_input.sh -> Write a shell script to compare two arguments from users’ input.
welcome_info.sh -> Write a shell script to display the current user info, working directory, and date.
welcome_ls.sh -> Write a shell script to display the current list of directories.
while_loop.sh -> Write a while loop to print the product of an argument for 1 to 10.
whoami.sh -> Write a shell script to display the UID and username of the user executing this script. Display if the user is the root user or not.
find_exe_file.sh -> Write a shell script to find all the executable files in a given directory.
current_process.sh -> Display the current running process.
kill_process.sh -> Kill a process with its PID number.
port_5000.sh -> Get info of the service running on port 5000.
logical_operator.sh -> Write a shell script using logical operators.
open_port.sh -> Write a script to display the open network ports on a system.
math_operation.sh -> Write a case statement for math.
math_operation_2.sh -> Write a case statement for math.
add_user.sh -> Write a script to add a user to Linux.
count_words.sh -> Write a script to Find out the frequency of words in a file (needs input).
date_file.sh -> Write a shell script that creates a file with the current date (to be used with cronjobs).
nginx_install.sh -> Shell script that install NGINX webserver.