List of ES6 decorators
Creates a stream of calls to any method of a class. Dependency of RxJS
import {streamify} from 'cv-decorators';
@streamify('greeting', 'greetingAsync')
class Person {
return `Hi ${name}`;
return new Promise( resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100, `Hi ${name}`) );
const person = new Person();
person.$.greeting.subscribe(({params, result}) => {
console.log(`method was called with ${params} and response was "${result}"`); // => method was called with ['Carlos'] and response was "Hi Carlos"
person.$.greetingAsync.subscribe(({params, result}) => {
console.log(`method was called with ${params} and response was "${result}"`); // => method was called with ['Carlos'] and response was "Hi Carlos"
Creates a cache of calls to any method of a class.
import {cache} from 'cv-decorators';
class Dummy {
syncRndNumber (num) { return Math.random() }
const dummy = new Dummy()
const firstCall = dummy.syncRndNumber()
const secondCall = dummy.syncRndNumber()
// => firstCall === secondCall
Dump cache to console if setting to truthy 'dumpCache' key in localStorage:
localStorage.__dumpCache__ = true
By default the TTL for the keys in the cache is 500ms, but it can be changed with
import {cache} from 'cv-decorators';
class Dummy {
@cache({ttl: 2000})
syncRndNumber (num) { return Math.random() }
For this method the cache is 2 seconds
It is possible to set TTL using a string with the format ttl: 'XXX [second|seconds|minute|minutes|hour|hours]'
thus, avoiding writing very large integers
ttl (500ms): Time to life for each cache register
server (false): If the cache will be used in a NodeJS env. Be careful that could break your server
algorithm ('lru'): Which algorithm will be used to discard register in the cache when will be full. Can be lru | lfu
trackTo: Is you pass a host, each 20secds will be send a ping to
with a headerx-payload
where there is a object with the stats of hit, miss, env and algorithm -
size (100): How many register can be in the cache before start to remove register.