A set of small programs targetting the Raspberry Pi Zero (v1 and v2) to learn about various topics like cross-compilation, robotics, motor drivers and rust.
This initial example shows how to interact with the GPIO interface using rust. It can be cross-compiled for RPI Zero v2 with the command below:
~/.cargo/bin/cross build --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu --release
The RPI Zero v2 has a quad-core 64-bit ARM Cortex-A53, which implements a
Remember that each of the sub-strings in the toolchain name refer to:
- arch64: architecture
- unknown: vendor, unknown is typically used for open-source toolchains
- linux: The OS the platform will be running
- gnu: ABI - Application Binary Interface (GNU C Library -
in this case)
You can simply deploy your cross-compiled binary using scp
scp target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/hello-gpio zero-v2:~/programs
At this point, you are all set up to run the program:
A GPIO hat with LED indicators was added to easily observe/debug the outcome of the program.
The hardware for this example adds a couple of wheeled motors and a motor driver.
The cross-compilation and deploy workflow is the same as exposed in the previous example.
It implements a basic shell that allows to send commands to the robot. You can ssh to your RPI Zero v2 and launch the interactive shell, then request commands.
>>> left f
>>> left b
>>> forward
>>> backward
>>> spin l
>>> spin r
This is similar to the previous one, but it uses an event polling mechanism so the robot can be controlled with the keyboard.
In this example, we introduce the desired system architecture, which involves sending and receiving commands over a network.
This is achieved with two components:
- Server: Runs on a reachable host and serves commands on a specific port.
- Client: Connects to the host to fetch commands from the specified port.
Using a PS4 controller to operate the robot.
This small example explores how to read frames from a camera using rust. It uses rscam, a wrapper for v4l2.
After running the program, index.html
could be opened in a browser and the
camera feed should be displayed.
Unfortunately, v4l2 gives problems in the RPI platform with the RPI camera, and a different approach was taken.
This uses a subprocess to run libcamera-vid
to get frames from the RPI camera,
which seems to work fine.
From now on, we will be working with the RPI Zero v1, so to cross-compile the binary you should use a different toolchain:
~/.cargo/bin/cross build --target arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf --release
And then, after deploying the binary to the RPI, you should be able to run the program:
./video-client <hostname:port>
This will try to connect to a server under that hostname and port, and send video feedback.
A simple server could be started with netcat
and ffplay
nc -lvp <port> | ffplay -
This concluding program tries to apply the gained knowledge to build a remotely controlled wheeled robot based on an RC chassis.
The main hardward components are:
- 2x L298N motor controllers
- LTE 4G dongle
- Power Bank
- Raspberry Pi Zero v1
- Raspbery Pi Camera module
After using a cardboard for prototyping, a solid plastic base was 3D printed.
The robot functions as a client, retrieving commands and transmitting video feedback to a designated server. This design choice was primarily influenced by the limitations of 4G connectivity, which does not easily allow opening ports for incoming connections. Using this approach, the robot can be teleoperated from a base station, publishing commands and monitoring the video stream.
Video at x2 speed
See full video.