Typeform webhook implementation and business logic to process a new survey answer. This solution can be tailored to support specific business needs. It can process answers from any survey once configured.
Core concepts
TestConfiguration: domain object to define a specific test configuration. In typeform, every form has a unique id. Furthermore, every question inside a form has a unique identifier as well. In order to save a new answer to the database every specific question should be processed according to its data-type and named based on mappings specified as part of the configuration.
Example of a configuration to process a typeform form identified by irEdZweA:
TestConfiguration testConfiguration = new TestConfiguration();
HL Architecture
- com.processor.IProcessorService: defines the contract of the webhook operation.
- com.processor.ProcessorController: rest controller to implement IProcessService
- com.processor.aop.ErrorsHandler: aspect to track errors during executions.
- com.processor.core.typeform.*: classes in charge of processing typeform datapoints based on TestConfiguration.
- com.processor.AnswerProcessor: business logic to process new answers. It has dependency to TypeformProvider component through IQuestionnaireHelper.
- com.processor.domain: domain classes involved (POJO)
- com.processor.repositories: mongodb repositories (data access)
All dependencies managed by Spring boot.
- Spring Boot (https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot)
- Java
- Maven
- MongoDB
- Docker
- AWS Code Pipeline
Global Settings
Database connection and other settings can be set up in the following .properties:
resources/application-default.properties (development)
Typeform webshooks should be set up. Check their dev documentation here: https://developer.typeform.com/webhooks/
It's highly recommended to use ENV variables to set up database connection strings and other sentitive information.
Unit tests
- src/test/java/com/processor/test
- More about embedded mongodb (In use here to mock our database). https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-embedded-mongodb
The service can be deployed on any container-based service with Docker support. A Docker file and build spec file are included as part of this distribution to easily deploy it on AWS ECS through CodeDeploy or CodePipeline
- AWS ECS https://aws.amazon.com/ecs/
MongoDB database can be set up using MongoDB Atlas: https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas