This is my first machine Learning Project. I have made many jupyter notebooks for this competitions.
Made my first submission at 29 dec 2022: RMSE of 1.11734 using Linear Regression with one variable....
Than the second at 09 jan 2023: RSME of 0.29853 using Multiple Linear Regression and Feature Engineering
- See House_Price_old.ipynb
Than the last at 4 feb 2023: RSME of 0.11564 (without the cheaters with RSME < 0.05) place 15th (top 1%) using Ridge, Lasso, CatBooster and XGBooster with improved Feature Engineering.
- see House_Price_newest.ipynb
Also credit to on Kaggle, his notebooks really help me understood Feature Engineering better!
I hope you can learn something from my notebooks.