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Add TransactionSpec module with balanced tx spec and xprv golden case
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paolino committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 7e32699 commit 0200b5a
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Showing 4 changed files with 337 additions and 11 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/customer-deposit-wallet/customer-deposit-wallet.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ test-suite unit
Expand Down
100 changes: 95 additions & 5 deletions lib/customer-deposit-wallet/src/Cardano/Wallet/Deposit/Testing/DSL.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,13 +23,19 @@ module Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Testing.DSL
, assert
, interpret
, InterpreterState (..)
, spend
, sign
, utxo
, wallet
, balance

import Prelude

import Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Pure
( Customer
, ResolvedTx (..)
, WalletState
, getTxHistoryByTime
Expand All @@ -38,10 +44,18 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Pure.API.TxHistory
, ByTime
, LookupTimeFromSlot
import Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Pure.State.Creation
( createMnemonicFromWords
, credentialsFromMnemonics
import Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Pure.State.Payment
( createPaymentTxBody
import Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Read
( Address
, ChainPoint (..)
, EraValue (..)
, UTxO
, getChainPoint
, mockNextBlock
, slotFromChainPoint
Expand All @@ -65,7 +79,9 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Write
, mkAda
, mkTx
, mkTxOut
, txOutsL
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Write as Write
import Cardano.Wallet.Read
( Coin (..)
, Slot
Expand All @@ -76,16 +92,17 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Read
import Control.Lens
( At (..)
, Field1 (_1)
, Field2 (_2)
, Ixed (..)
, Lens'
, _1
, _2
, lens
, use
, uses
, zoom
, (%=)
, (.=)
, (^?)
import Control.Monad
( void
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,18 +132,28 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Map
( Map
import Data.Maybe
( fromJust
import Data.Text
( Text
import Data.Time
( UTCTime

import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Pure as Wallet
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.Time as Time
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Read as Read
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

data Scenario p a where
ResetWallet :: Int -> Text -> Text -> Scenario p ()
ExistsTx :: Scenario p TxI
Deposit :: TxI -> Customer -> Int -> Scenario p UnspentI
Spend :: TxI -> Address -> Int -> Scenario p ()
Withdrawal :: TxI -> UnspentI -> Scenario p ()
CreateBlock :: [TxI] -> Scenario p (BlockI)
RollForward :: [BlockI] -> Scenario p ()
Expand All @@ -135,10 +162,17 @@ data Scenario p a where
HistoryByCustomer :: Scenario p ByCustomer
NewHistoryByTime :: ByTimeM ByTime -> Scenario p ByTime
AvailableBalance :: Scenario p Int
Sign :: Tx -> Text -> Scenario p Tx
Balance :: TxI -> Scenario p Tx
UTxO :: UnspentI -> Scenario p UTxO
Assert :: p -> Scenario p ()

type ScenarioP p m = ProgramT (Scenario p) m

wallet :: Int -> Text -> Text -> ScenarioP p m ()
wallet users seed passphrase =
singleton (ResetWallet users seed passphrase)

existsTx :: ScenarioP p m TxI
existsTx = singleton ExistsTx

Expand All @@ -148,6 +182,9 @@ deposit tx customer value = singleton (Deposit tx customer value)
deposit_ :: Monad m => TxI -> Customer -> Int -> ScenarioP p m ()
deposit_ tx customer value = void $ deposit tx customer value

spend :: TxI -> Address -> Int -> ScenarioP p m ()
spend tx addr value = singleton (Spend tx addr value)

withdrawal :: TxI -> UnspentI -> ScenarioP p m ()
withdrawal tx unspent = singleton (Withdrawal tx unspent)

Expand All @@ -172,6 +209,15 @@ newHistoryByTime = singleton . NewHistoryByTime
availableBalance :: ScenarioP p m Int
availableBalance = singleton AvailableBalance

sign :: Tx -> Text -> ScenarioP p m Write.Tx
sign tx pass = singleton (Sign tx pass)

balance :: TxI -> ScenarioP p m Tx
balance tx = singleton (Balance tx)

utxo :: UnspentI -> ScenarioP p m UTxO
utxo = singleton . UTxO

assert :: p -> ScenarioP p m ()
assert = singleton . Assert

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,32 +306,48 @@ newBlockId = zoom iBlockContentsL $ do
put $ Map.insert blockId [] blocks
return blockId

freshInterpreterState :: InterpreterState
freshInterpreterState = InterpreterState mempty mempty mempty mempty

:: Wallet.WalletState -> Customer -> Write.Address
unsafeCustomerAddress w = fromJust . flip Wallet.customerAddress w

:: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m)
=> WalletState
-> (p -> m ())
-> (Customer -> Address)
-> (Slot -> WithOrigin UTCTime)
-> ScenarioP
(StateT (WalletState, InterpreterState) m)
-> m ()
interpret w runP customerAddresses slotTimes p = flip evalStateT w $ do
interpret w runP slotTimes p = flip evalStateT w $ do
walletState <- get
(walletState', _) <-
$ execStateT
(go p)
(walletState, InterpreterState mempty mempty mempty mempty)
(walletState, freshInterpreterState)
put walletState'
go = viewT >=> eval
eval (ResetWallet users seed passphrase :>>= k) = do
Right mnemonics <- pure $ createMnemonicFromWords seed
let new =
(credentialsFromMnemonics mnemonics passphrase)
(fromIntegral users)
id .= (new, freshInterpreterState)
go $ k ()
eval (Return x) = return x
eval (ExistsTx :>>= k) = do
txId <- zoom _2 newTxId
go $ k txId
eval (Deposit tx customer value :>>= k) = do
customerAddresses <- uses _1 unsafeCustomerAddress
let v = mkAda $ fromIntegral value
txOut = mkTxOut (customerAddresses customer) v
Just txBody <- use (_2 . iTxsL . at tx)
Expand All @@ -296,6 +358,12 @@ interpret w runP customerAddresses slotTimes p = flip evalStateT w $ do
Just txId <- uses (_2 . iTxsL . at tx') $ fmap (getTxId . mkTx)
_2 . iTxsL . ix tx %= \txBody -> addTxIn (TxIn txId tix) txBody
go $ k ()
eval (Spend tx address value :>>= k) = do
Just txBody <- use (_2 . iTxsL . at tx)
let (txBody', _tix) =
addTxOut (mkTxOut address (mkAda $ fromIntegral value)) txBody
_2 . iTxsL . ix tx .= txBody'
go $ k ()
eval (CreateBlock txs :>>= k) = do
blockId <- zoom _2 newBlockId
send <-
Expand All @@ -317,6 +385,7 @@ interpret w runP customerAddresses slotTimes p = flip evalStateT w $ do
v <- uses _1 Wallet.getTxHistoryByCustomer
go $ k v
eval (NewHistoryByTime m :>>= k) = do
customerAddresses <- uses _1 unsafeCustomerAddress
txIds' <- uses (_2 . iTxsL) $ (Map.!) . fmap (getTxId . mkTx)
blockSlots <-
uses (_2 . iBlockPointsL) $ (Map.!) . fmap slotFromChainPoint
Expand All @@ -327,6 +396,27 @@ interpret w runP customerAddresses slotTimes p = flip evalStateT w $ do
eval (AvailableBalance :>>= k) = do
ValueC (CoinC v) _ <- uses _1 Wallet.availableBalance
go $ k $ fromIntegral v
eval (Sign tx pass :>>= k) = do
Just stx <- uses _1 $ Wallet.signTx tx pass
go $ k stx
eval (Balance tx :>>= k) = do
Just txBody <- use (_2 . iTxsL . at tx)
ws <- use _1
let etx =
(Read.EraValue Read.mockPParamsConway)
(Time.toTimeTranslationPure Time.mockTimeInterpreter)
ResolvedTx btx _ <- case etx of
Left e -> fail $ "createPaymentTxBody failed: " <> show e
Right tx' -> return tx'
go $ k btx
eval (UTxO (UnspentI (tx, tix)) :>>= k) = do
Just txBody <- use (_2 . iTxsL . at tx)
let txId = getTxId $ mkTx txBody
Just txOut <- pure $ txBody ^? txOutsL . ix tix
go $ k $ Map.singleton (TxIn txId tix) txOut
eval (Assert assertion :>>= k) = do
lift $ runP assertion
go $ k ()

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