- Firefox Mozilla 47 (download link: https://releases.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/48.0.2/win32/pt-BR/) (newer options dont work)
- Python 3.4+ (optional)
- iMacros installed on Mozilla (download link: https://addons.mozilla.org/pt-br/firefox/addon/imacros-for-firefox/)
(Login in your LinkedIn account in Mozilla Firefox)
1 - Move the file MacroLinkedinV2.iim to C:\Users\ YOUR USER \Documents\iMacros\Macros
2 - Open Firefox 47
3 - Open iMacros
4 - You will see MacroLinkedinV2.iim, right click, "Add to Bookmark / Adicionar aos favoritos"
5 - Click in OK
6 - Access https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/people/
7 - Select 2° and 3°+ (In filter people)
8 - Unmark 1° Connections Option
9 - Select the citys that you want it to works. (For example, if you only want from your city, just select your city)
10 - CTRL-C in the URL
11 - Open MacroLinkedinV2.iim with some text-editor
12 - Change the commented area for your url (see photo below)
py BotdoLinkedin.py --v2
python BotdoLinkedin.py --v2
(Download all files)
1 - Move the file MacroLinkedin.iim to C:\Users\ YOUR USER \Documents\iMacros\Macros
2 - Open Firefox 47
3 - Open iMacros
4 - You will see MacroLinkedin.iim, right click, "Add to Bookmark / Adicionar aos favoritos"
5 - Click in OK
6 - Access https://www.linkedin.com/mynetwork/
7 - Login in your account
8 - Close Firefox
py BotdoLinkedin.py --v1
python BotdoLinkedin.py --v1
(Download all files) (Maybe not work without python calling the params, because this uses !loop -9999. Use if python, if you have installed it on computer.)
1 - Move the file MacroLinkedin.iim to C:\Users\Computador\Documents\iMacros\Macros
2 - Open Firefox 47
3 - Open iMacros
4 - Access https://www.linkedin.com/mynetwork/ and login in your linkedin account
5 - Click in MacroLinkedin.iim, and then "USE"
This is on beta test, any issue or problem, tell me with github issues options. Thanks.
Known issue: Sometimes it will appear always the same friends. Just clean the cache, logout and login again and it will works.
I don't take no liability for the usage of this. At LinkedIn terms, they say that's prohibited the use of BOTS. I think you are not going to get problems, because the macro recuse some requests, and accept some others, wait 1.5 seconds for clicking in add friend, and refresh like 3 or 4 times (Made for getting friends at normal-human speed). But I give no guarantee that you won't get some 24 to 48 hours block, or any bigger problem. Careful usage, please!
You can use the version 1 with the version 2 in the same time. It will get you LIKELY 10.000 friends in 1 day (average calculating the media 100/hour with v1, and 300/hour with v2)
Just open one CMD/Terminal in sandbox or virtual machine, and another as common user (or use 2 computers)
Just add the macro experimental.iim in iMacros. :]