This is an attempt to transform color look of Thunderbird to the "solarized" palette. It's quite easy:
- customize the colors on the file manifest.json
- create a zip with only that file and put it a name like: [email protected]
- install it on Thunderbird section for plugins/themes
- customize manually on Settings of Thunderbird some colors (see instructions below): tags, redaction text and background.
What does it look? Something like this:
You can download and install the XPI file in this repo, or you can:
- Edit the manifest.json file
- Zip it with this command on linux console:
zip solarized_caos30-1.2-tb.xpi manifest.json
Alternative: zip the manifest.json file and change its extension to xpi
"frame": "#00141a", //<--- background-color for tabs bar, bookmark bar (under tabs bar) and bottom bar
"frame_inactive": "#152428", //<-- INACTIVE above elements
"tab_selected": "transparent", //<-- background color ACTIVE tab on tabs bar
"tab_text": "#2aa198", 98afaf //<--- text color for ACTIVE tab on tabs bar
"tab_line": "#2aa19888", //<--- 2px top border of the ACTIVE tab on tabs bar
"tab_loading": "#dddddd", //<--- for circle-icon on tab text (i think only useful for web browser)
"tab_background_text": "#829696", //<--- text color for tabs bar and menu bar
"bookmark_text": "#2aa198", //<--- text color for bookmark bar
"toolbar": "#001f28", //<-- background color for the bookmark bar
"toolbar_field": "#00141a", //<--- background search box NOT FOCUSED
"toolbar_field_text": "#2aa198", //<--- text color for search box NOT FOCUSED
"toolbar_field_highlight": "#00141a", //<--- border of FOCUSED search box
"toolbar_field_highlight_text": "#2aa198", //<--- text color for search box FOCUSED
"toolbar_field_border": "#4ac1b888", //<--- border of NOT FOCUSED search box
"toolbar_field_focus": "#00141a", //<--- background search box FOCUSED
"toolbar_field_text_focus": "#2aa198", //<--- text color FOCUSED search box
"toolbar_field_border_focus": "#4ac1b888", //<--- border color FOCUSED search box
"toolbar_top_separator": "#002b36", //<--- TOP border between bookmark bar and tab bar
"toolbar_bottom_separator": "#002b36", //<--- BOTTOM border between bookmark bar and tab bar
"toolbar_vertical_separator": "#002b36", //<--- VERTICAL border between bookmark bar and tab bar
"sidebar": "#002b36", //<--- background color for the vertical left panel (mailboxes/folders tree)
"sidebar_text": "#829696", //<--- text color for the vertical left panel
"sidebar_highlight": "rgba(255,255,255,.2)", //<--- bg color for THE highlighted element on tree
"sidebar_highlight_text": "#ccc", //<--- text color for THE highlighted element on tree
"sidebar_border": "#001f28", //<--- border color for the vertical left panel
"popup": "#001217", //<--- background color for popup messages and main menu popup (right-top-corner button)
"popup_text": "#7d9b9b", //<--- text color
"popup_border": "#002d3a", //<--- border color
"popup_highlight": "#e06502", //<--- background color for mouse over effect on element
"popup_highlight_text": "#111111" //<--- text color for mouse over effect on element
They must be set manually:
- important #FE6364 (red)
- work #EB8B16 (orange)
- personal #1AB188 (green)
- to do #6C71C4 (lile)
- later #D33682 (pink)
- background: #00141A
- text: #829696
- font-family: sans-serif
- font-size: 15
- Sometimes some of the receivers of the mails see background dark and text dark !? I suppose that this is caused by a BAD management of the colors their email clients. But i would like to be sure that this is not a heavy problem. You know, we need sometimes that some emails be REDEABLE yes or yes (customers, potential customers,...).