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Adds parameters for MicroCeph bootstrap #785

Adds parameters for MicroCeph bootstrap

Adds parameters for MicroCeph bootstrap #785

Workflow file for this run

name: Tests
- push
- pull_request
name: Build microceph snap
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Copy utils
run: cp tests/scripts/ $HOME
- name: Clear FORWARD firewall rules
run: ~/ cleaript
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
~/ setup_lxd
sudo snap install snapcraft --classic
snap list
- name: Build snaps
run: snapcraft
- name: Upload snap artifact
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: snaps
path: "*.snap"
retention-days: 5
name: Run Unit tests
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dqlite/dev
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libdqlite-dev golang-go
- name: Run unit-tests
run: |
cd microceph
make check-unit
name: Single node with encryption
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
needs: build-microceph
- name: Download snap
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: snaps
path: /home/runner
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Copy utils
run: cp tests/scripts/ $HOME
- name: Free disk
run: ~/ free_runner_disk
- name: Install and setup
run: |
~/ install_microceph
set -uex
# Verify metadata.yaml
cat $meta
grep -q ceph-version $meta
# Verify health and auto crush rule
sudo microceph.ceph health | grep -q "OSD count 0 < osd_pool_default_size 3"
sudo microceph.ceph osd crush rule ls | grep -F microceph_auto_osd
- name: Add OSD with failure
run: |
set -eux
loop_file="$(sudo mktemp -p /mnt XXXX.img)"
sudo truncate -s 1G "${loop_file}"
loop_dev="$(sudo losetup --show -f "${loop_file}")"
sudo mknod -m 0660 "/dev/sdi21" b 7 "${minor}"
set +e
sudo microceph disk add --wipe "/dev/sdi21" --encrypt || rc="$?"
if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]] ; then echo "FDE should fail without dmcrypt: $rc"; exit 1; fi
- name: Add OSDs
run: ~/ add_encrypted_osds
- name: Enable RGW
run: ~/ enable_rgw
- name: Run system tests
run: |
set -eux
# Show ceph's status
sudo microceph.ceph status
# Ceph status expectations for a single node cluster
test_single() {
local status="$1"
( echo "$status" | grep -qF "mon: 1 daemons" ) || { echo fail ; return ; }
( echo "$status" | grep -qE "mgr: .*active, " )|| { echo fail ; return ; }
( echo "$status" | grep -qF "osd: 3 osds" ) || { echo fail ; return ; }
( echo "$status" | grep -qF "rgw: 1 daemon" ) || { echo fail ; return ; }
echo ok
# Confirm ceph is healthy and services started
res=$( test_single "$( sudo microceph.ceph status )" )
[ $res = "ok" ] || { echo "single node status fails" ; exit 1 ; }
# Check health after restart
sudo snap stop microceph
sudo snap start microceph
for i in $(seq 1 16); do
status=$( sudo microceph.ceph status )
echo "$status"
res=$( test_single "$status" )
if [ $res = "ok" ] ; then
echo "Single tests pass"
echo "Single tests fail, retry $i/16"
sleep 15
sleep 1
pgrep ceph-osd || { echo "No ceph-osd process found" ; exit 1; }
- name: Exercise RGW
run: ~/ testrgw
- name: Test Cluster Config
run: |
set -eux
cip=$(ip -4 -j route | jq -r '.[] | select(.dst | contains("default")) | .prefsrc' | tr -d '[:space:]')
# pre config set timestamp for service age
ts=$(sudo systemctl show --property ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic snap.microceph.osd.service | cut -d= -f2)
# set config
sudo microceph cluster config set cluster_network $cip/8 --wait
# post config set timestamp for service age
ts2=$(sudo systemctl show --property ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic snap.microceph.osd.service | cut -d= -f2)
# Check config output
output=$(sudo microceph cluster config get cluster_network | grep -cim1 'cluster_network')
if [[ $output -lt 1 ]] ; then echo "config check failed: $output"; exit 1; fi
# Check service restarted
if [ $ts2 -lt $ts ]; then echo "config check failed: TS1: $ts2 TS2: $ts3"; exit 1; fi
# reset config
sudo microceph cluster config reset cluster_network --wait
# post config reset timestamp for service age
ts3=$(sudo systemctl show --property ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic snap.microceph.osd.service | cut -d= -f2)
# Check service restarted
if [ $ts3 -lt $ts2 ]; then echo "config check failed: TS2: $ts2 TS3: $ts3"; exit 1; fi
name: Multi node testing
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
needs: build-microceph
- name: Download snap
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: snaps
path: /home/runner
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Copy utils
run: cp tests/scripts/ $HOME
- name: Clear FORWARD firewall rules
run: ~/ cleaript
- name: Free disk
run: ~/ free_runner_disk
- name: Install dependencies
run: ~/ setup_lxd
- name: Create containers with loopback devices
run: ~/ create_containers
- name: Install local microceph snap
run: ~/ install_multinode
- name: Bootstrap
run: ~/ bootstrap_head
- name: Setup cluster
run: ~/ cluster_nodes
- name: Add 2 OSDs
run: |
for c in node-wrk1 node-wrk2 ; do
~/ add_osd_to_node $c
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "microceph.ceph -s"
- name: Test failure domain scale up
run: |
set -uex
# We still have failure domain OSD
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "sudo microceph.ceph config get mon osd_pool_default_crush_rule" | fgrep -x 1
# Add a 3rd OSD, should switch to host failure domain
~/ add_osd_to_node node-head
~/ headexec wait_for_osds 3
sleep 1
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "sudo microceph.ceph -s"
# Now default to host rule
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "sudo microceph.ceph config get mon osd_pool_default_crush_rule" | fgrep -x 2
- name: Test 3 osds present
run: |
set -uex
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "microceph.ceph -s" | egrep "osd: 3 osds: 3 up.*3 in"
- name: Test crush rules
run: |
set -uex
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "microceph.ceph osd crush rule ls" | grep -F microceph_auto_host
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "microceph.ceph osd pool ls detail" | grep -F "crush_rule 2"
- name: Add another OSD
run: |
~/ add_osd_to_node node-wrk3
~/ headexec wait_for_osds 4
- name: Remove OSD again
run: |
set -uex
lxc exec node-wrk3 -- sh -c "microceph disk remove 3"
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "microceph.ceph -s" | egrep "osd: 3 osds: 3 up.*3 in"
- name: Test migrate services
run: |
set -uex
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "microceph cluster migrate node-wrk1 node-wrk3"
sleep 2
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "microceph status" | grep -F -A 1 node-wrk1 | grep -E "^ Services: osd$"
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "microceph status" | grep -F -A 1 node-wrk3 | grep -E "^ Services: mds, mgr, mon$"
- name: Enable services on wrk1
run: ~/ headexec enable_services node-wrk1
- name: Test remove node wrk3
run: |
set -uex
~/ headexec remove_node node-wrk3
if lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "microceph status" | grep -q "^- node-wrk3 " ; then
echo "Failed: node-wrk3 still present"
exit 1
lxc exec node-head -- sh -c "microceph.ceph -s" | fgrep "mon: 3 daemons"
- name: Test client configurations
run: ~/ check_client_configs
name: Test quincy upgrades
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
needs: build-microceph
- name: Download snap
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: snaps
path: /home/runner
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Copy utils
run: cp tests/scripts/ $HOME
- name: Clear FORWARD firewall rules
run: ~/ cleaript
- name: Free disk
run: ~/ free_runner_disk
- name: Install dependencies
run: ~/ setup_lxd
- name: Create containers with loopback devices
run: ~/ create_containers
- name: Install quincy stable from store
run: ~/ install_store quincy/stable
- name: Bootstrap
run: ~/ bootstrap_head
- name: Setup cluster
run: ~/ cluster_nodes
- name: Add 3 OSDs
run: |
for c in node-head node-wrk1 node-wrk2 ; do
~/ add_osd_to_node $c
~/ headexec wait_for_osds 3
- name: Enable RGW
run: ~/ headexec enable_rgw
- name: Exercise RGW
run: ~/ headexec testrgw
- name: Install local build
run: ~/ install_multinode
- name: Wait until 3 OSDs are up
run: ~/ headexec wait_for_osds 3
- name: Exercise RGW again
run: ~/ headexec testrgw