OwO Whats This
NekoBot is an amazing Discord Bot with plenty of Fun and NSFW Commands all rewritten just a few weeks ago! There maybe are still a bit of stuff to cleanup but right now its down good!
We have a bunch of fun commands for example you can ship too people in an image OwO and can fight people in a 1v1 rust match. We have an economy system where you can get your daily credits, give users reputation and gable all your money ofcourse. Are you good at OSU, Overwatch or Fortnite? You can flex on them haters with your 100k scores! if your not good at any of them maybe suggest another game your are good at ;)
Command | Category | Alias | Info |
lmgtfy | General | None | Let me google that for you! |
cookie | General | None | Give someone a cookie OwO |
flip | General | None | Flip a coin 😏 |
info | General | None | Recieve Bot Stats |
userinfo | General | [user] | Recieve User Stats from the server you are in |
serverinfo | General | [server] | Recieve server Stats |
channelinfo | General | [channel] | Get channel info of the current channel or you can select another channel. |
urban | General | None | Get information from urban disctionary wink wink |
avatar | General | None | |
qr | General | None | Generate a QR Code! |
permissions | General | [perms] | Grab a users permissions in a channel. Default to you in the channel you are in |
8ball | General | [8] | OwO, Need advice? Here you go :) |
help | General | None | Help! I'm lost! |
calc | General | None | WIP Calculator |
kick | Moderation | None | Kick a user |
ban | Moderation | None | Ban a user |
massban | Moderation | None | Ban multiple users at once using either pinging or using id's |
unban | Moderation | None | Unban a user :( |
rename | Moderation | None | Rename a user. |
poll | Moderation | None | Start a poll! |
purge | Moderation | None | Clear chat, advanced features included OwO |
mute | Moderation | None | Disable a user from speaking in that channel. |
unmute | Moderation | None | Allow a user to speak in that channel. |
imgwelcome | IMGWelcomer | None | Welcome users with custom text and images! |
bank | Levels&Economy | None | View current bank stats! (Users registered, total value etc) |
register | Levels&Economy | None | Register a bank account! |
profile | Levels&Economy | None | View your profile stats, level, balance, married to OwO |
daily | Levels&Economy | None | Get your daily bonus! |
rep | Levels&Economy | None | Give users reputation |
setdesc | Levels&Economy | None | Set your profile description |
top | Levels&Economy | None | Show the top leveled users. |
ecotop | Levels&Economy | None | Show the users with the highest $$$ |
transfer | Levels&Economy | None | Transfer |
coinflip | Levels&Economy | None | Bet and flip a coin 😏 |
food | Fun | None | Get random recipes cuz why not! |
ship | Fun | None | Ship 2 people 😏❤ |
shitpost | Fun | None | Posts a random shitpost |
meme | Fun | None | Sends a dank meme |
penis | Fun | None | 100% accurately detects a users penis length |
vagina | Fun | None | 100% accurately detects a users vaginal depth |
jpeg | Fun | None | JPEG a users avatar |
isnowillegal | Fun | None | Make stuff illegal! |
gif | Fun | None | Searches for a gif and sends it |
cat | Fun | None | random cat image |
dog | Fun | None | random dog image |
bitconnect | Fun | None | Bitconneeeeeeect!! |
feed | Fun | None | Feed someone |
lovecalculator | Fun | None | 😏❤😏 |
butts | Fun | None | not nsfw btw |
boom | Fun | None | React with boom |
rude | Fun | None | React with rude |
fight | Fun | [fite] [rust] | 1v1 Rust Someone |
clyde | Fun | None | Your message could not be delivered because you don't share a server with the recipient or you disabled direct messages on your shared server |
monkaS | Fun | None | React a monkaS |
gachiBASS | Fun | None | Reacts with gachiBASS emotes, if in a vc it will play gachi by default or use a song like n!gachiBASS No playlists btw |
joke | Fun | None | Get a dadjoke |
b64 | Fun | [b64encode] [base64encode] | Converts to base64 |
md5 | Fun | None | Convert to md5 |
genderize | Fun | None | Guess a gender by the name |
circulation | Fun | None | Renai circulation (cuz why not) |
pgif | NSFW | None | Gets a random gif |
4k | NSFW | None | Posts a 4k girl |
phsearch | NSFW | None | Searches from the hub |
lewdneko | NSFW | None | Sends a lewd neko |
yandere | NSFW | None | Search Yande.re |
boobs | NSFW | None | Sends Bobs |
bigboobs | NSFW | None | Sends Big Bobs |
ass | NSFW | None | Sends Butts |
cumsluts | NSFW | [cum] | The name says it all |
thighs | NSFW | None | Thighs 🤔 |
gonewild | NSFW | None | Gets a post from /r/gonewild |
nsfw | NSFW | None | NSFW Stats since last restart |
doujin | NSFW | None | Sends a random doujin |
girl | NSFW | None | Sends a girl |
hentai | NSFW | None | Sends random hentai gifs |
hug | Reactions | None | Hug Someone |
kiss | Reactions | None | Kiss Someone |
pat | Reactions | None | Pat Someone |
cuddle | Reactions | None | Hug Someone |
tickle | Reactions | None | Tickle Someone |
bite | Reactions | None | Bite Someone |
slap | Reactions | None | Slap Someone |
punch | Reactions | None | Punch Someone |
poke | Reactions | None | Poke Someone |
nom | Reactions | None | Nom Someone |
lick | Reactions | None | Lick Someone |
lewd | Reactions | None | Lewd Someone |
trap | Reactions | None | Its a trap! |
owo | Reactions | None | OwO |
wasted | Reactions | None | Wasted! |
banghead | Reactions | None | Bang your head |
discordmeme | Reactions | None | Discord Memes lul |
stare | Reactions | None | stare intensifies |
thinking | Reactions | None | hMMM |
dab | Reactions | None | Dab on them haters |
kemonomimi | Reactions | [neko] | OwO, cat/fox girls OwO |
why | Reactions | None | wHY! |
rem | Reactions | None | Post rem |
poi | Reactions | None | Post poi |
greet | Reactions | None | Greet Someone! |
insultwaifu | Reactions | None | Insult a users waifu! |
foxgirl | Reactions | None | Foxgirls OwO |
osu | Gamestats | None | Get your OSU Stats |
overwatch | Gamestats | None | Flex on them haters with your Overwatch Stats |
fortnite | Gamestats | None | Retrieve your Fortnite Stats |
marry | Marriage | None | Marry Someone OwO |
divoce | Marriage | None | Divorce 😭 |
crypto | Cryptocurrency | None | Retrieve literally any Currency or Cryptocurrency and convert it to multiple other currencies |