Index.HTML Of Landing Page CPA
Index LP (Landing Page) share to Facebook.
Untuk cara menggunakannya ..... pegel nulis.
- Filter IP statis geos.
- Cookies.
- Filter open website redirect mobile.
- Filter open website no redirecting desktop.
- Filter Script Redirect CTRL + U.
- Script Redirect Klik Kanan.
- Multi LP (Landing Page)
- 06/25/2019 v1.0.0
- App Facebook
- Gambar background
- Link
- Auto redirect HTTPS/HTTP
- Link canonical
- Tampilan dua index dengan CSS menarik
- Gambar GIF
- Dua link
- Tombol redirecting
- Tampilan Landing Cepat
- Landing Utama Image
- Landing Ke dua Offer
- 06/25/2019 v1.0.0
- Pembuatan Index Pertama
- Pembuatan
- Update
- 06/25/2019 v1.0.0