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Mike Grabowski edited this page Oct 11, 2017 · 4 revisions


  • @zamotany
  • @satya164
  • @grabbou
  • @thymikee

What to do next

  • @zamotany to take care of upgrading to Webpack 3
  • @satya164 to merge the .babelrc pull request
  • @grabbou to check issue today
  • @thymikee to check his PR and we merging it (
  • This week and next, let's focus on landing important performance issues and keeping up to date with Haul
  • Try out Webpack DLL and how it could work with React Native
  • Replace entry point with a plugin so that user can pass either a function, an array or object (or whatever Webpack supports)
  • @thymikee to create stable milestone and we will start from there

Next meeting

Next Wednesday, but let's sync on Slack if we finish our issues earlier

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