- Fixed another bug where masking would be undone for SVG paths drawn with
- You can run the following example in the jCanvas sandbox to verify that masking now behaves correctly for SVG paths
layer: true,
mask: true,
strokeStyle: '#000',
strokeWidth: 2,
d: 'm46 71c-12.2 0-22-9.8-22-22 0-12.2 9.8-22 22-22 12.2 0 22 9.8 22 22 0 12.2-9.8 22-22 22z m103.5 159c-20.2 0-36.5-16.3-36.5-36.5 0-20.2 16.3-36.5 36.5-36.5 20.2 0 36.5 16.3 36.5 36.5 0 20.2-16.3 36.5-36.5 36.5z'
layer: true,
fillStyle: '#c33',
x: 50, y: 50,
width: 100, height: 150,
fromCenter: false