Caitlin Dreisbach (cnd2y)
Elizabeth Homan (eih2nn)
Morgan Wall (mkw5ck)
We explored this dataset using multiple approaches. First, to establish a baseline, we used logistic regression with all genes as regressors. Next, we used recursive feature elimination to decrease the number of features/genes from over 20,000 to 100 or fewer. We then created multiple logistic regression models using smaller and smaller subsets of genes (until the accuracy of predictions began to drop). Our second major modeling approach used Expectation Maximization with the top ten ranked genes in the dataset. Our third modeling approach used Naive Bayes with both Gaussian and Bernoulli distributions. For the Naive Bayes models, maximum likelihood was used to estimate the parameters and 10-fold cross validation was used to measure accuracy.
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Table 1: Selected Literature Review of Data Science Methods for Tumor Classification Article Title & Author | Data Science Method | Results
“A comprehensive genomic pan-cancer classification...”, Li et al, 2017. | KNN classification, k was set to 5 with a majority rule | Correctly classified on average 87.6% in test set.
“A comprehensive genomic pan-cancer classification...”, Li et al, 2017. | Gradient boosting-based classifier, XGBoost | Correctly classified on average 90.2%.
“Analysis of k-means clustering approach on the breast cancer…”, Dubey et al., 2016. | K-means algorithm | 92% average positive prediction accuracy
“Support vector machine classification and validation of cancer tissue…” | SVM with Leave-One-Out cross validation | 95.8% average positive prediction accuracy
Table 2: Outline of Datasets Dataset | Corresponding CSV file Labels | Labels.csv Gene Expression Data | Data.csv