A edit-in-place directive to edit texts and update instance model
Run npm install vue-editinplace --save
Import into your Vue instance
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueEditInPlace from 'vue-editinplace'
VueEditInPlace exposes a directive called v-editinplace
, and a custom event @edit
, which contains an object with the old value and the new value
Editing a data variable from an instance
<h2 v-editinplace="title">{{ title }}</h2>
export default {
data () {
return {
title: 'Hello World!'
Get the modified value
<h2 v-editinplace @edit="edit">{{ title }}</h2>
<p>new value: {{ newValue }}</p>
<p>old value: {{ oldValue }}</p>
export default {
data () {
return {
title: 'Hello World!',
newValue: '',
oldValue: ''
methods: {
edit (event) {
this.newValue = event.detail.newValue
this.oldValue = event.detail.oldValue
Editing a value inside a loop
<!-- an array of strings -->
v-for="(fruit, index) in fruits"
@edit="editList($event, index)">
{{ fruit }}
<!-- an array of objects -->
<div v-for="(user, index) in users" :key="user.email">
<h4 v-editinplace @edit="editObject($event, index, 'name')">
{{ user.name }}
<h4 v-editinplace @edit="editObject($event, index, 'email')">
{{ user.email }}
export default {
data () {
return {
fruits: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Grape', 'Coconut', 'Melon'],
users: [
name: 'Jorge',
email: '[email protected]'
name: 'Caio',
email: '[email protected]'
name: 'Bruno',
email: '[email protected]'
methods: {
editList (event, index) {
this.fruits[index] = event.detail.newValue
editObject (event, index, attr) {
this.users[index][attr] = event.detail.newValue