Open Source API Gateway written in Java for REST APIs, WebSockets, STOMP and legacy Web Services. Featuring:
API Security:
- Authentification with OAuth2, API Keys, NTLM and Basic Authentication
- OAuth2 Authorization server
- Rate Limiting
- XML Protection
- Deployment of OpenAPI documents as APIs
- Message validation against OpenAPI
Legacy Web Services:
- SOAP Message Routing
- WSDL configuration, message Validation and WSDL rewritting
- Admin Web console
- Load balancing
- Embeddable reverse proxy HTTP framework for own API Gateways and products
Download the binary and unzip it.
in a terminal. -
Look at the configuration
and change to your needs.
Run the samples, follow the REST or SOAP tutorial, see the Documentation or the FAQ.
Try the following snippets by copying them into the conf/proxies.xml
Routing requests from port 8080
when the path starts with /foo
<api port="8080">
<target host="" port="80" />
Configures APIs from OpenAPI documents and validates messages against it. more...
<api port="2000">
<openapi location="fruitshop-api.yml" validateRequests="yes"/>
Dynamically manipulate and monitor messages with Groovy:
<api port="2000">
exc.request.header.add("X-Groovy", "Hello from Groovy")
<target host="localhost" port="8080" />
or Javascript:
<api port="2000">
exc.getRequest().getHeader().add("X-Javascript", "Hello from JavaScript");
<target host="localhost" port="8080" />
Try also the Groovy example and Javascript Example.
<api port="2000">
<map from="^/goodlookingpath/(.*)" to="/backendpath/$1" />
<target host="my.backend.server" port="80" />
Log data about requests and responses to a file or database as CSV or JSON file.
<api port="2000">
<log/> <!-- Logs to the console -->
<statisticsCSV file="./log.csv" /> <!-- Logs finegrained CSV -->
<target host="">
Route and intercept WebSocket traffic:
<api port="2000">
<webSocket url="http://my.websocket.server:1234">
<target port="8080" host="localhost"/>
(Find an example on
Use the widely adopted OAuth2/OpenID Framework to secure endpoints against Google, Azure AD, github, Keycloak or Membrane authentication servers.
<api name="Resource Service" port="2001">
<membrane src="" clientId="INSERT_CLIENT_ID" clientSecret="INSERT_CLIENT_SECRET" scope="email profile" subject="sub"/>
// Get email from OAuth2 and forward it to the backend
def oauth2 =
<target host="" port="80"/>
(Find an example on
Operate your own OAuth2/OpenID AuthorizationServer/Identity Provider:
<api name="Authorization Server" port="2000">
<oauth2authserver location="logindialog" issuer="http://localhost:2000" consentFile="consentFile.json">
<user username="john" password="password" email="[email protected]" />
<client clientId="abc" clientSecret="def" callbackUrl="http://localhost:2001/oauth2callback" />
<claims value="aud email iss sub username">
<scope id="username" claims="username"/>
<scope id="profile" claims="username email password"/>
(Find an example on
Secure an endpoint with basic authentication:
<api port="2000">
<user name="bob" password="secret" />
<target host="localhost" port="8080" />
Route to SSL/TLS secured endpoints:
<api port="8080">
<target host="" port="443">
Secure endpoints with SSL/TLS:
<api port="443">
<keystore location="membrane.jks" password="secret" keyPassword="secret" />
<truststore location="membrane.jks" password="secret" />
<target host="localhost" port="8080" />
Limit the number of incoming requests:
<api port="2000">
<rateLimiter requestLimit="3" requestLimitDuration="PT30S"/>
<target host="localhost" port="8080" />
Distribute workload to multiple backend nodes. more ...
<api name="Balancer" port="8080">
<balancer name="balancer">
<cluster name="Default">
<node host="my.backend-1" port="4000"/>
<node host="my.backend-2" port="4000"/>
<node host="my.backend-3" port="4000"/>
SOAP proxies configure themselves by analysing WSDL:
<soapProxy wsdl=""/>
The validator checks SOAP messages against a WSDL document including referenced XSD schemas.
<soapProxy wsdl="">
<validator />
See configuration reference for much more.