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Terraform AWS Lambda API

Terraform module pattern to build a standard Lambda API.

This module deploys a Lambda behind an ALB.

CodeDeploy Option

Optionally, CodeDeploy can be used to perform "blue/green" deployments of new versions of the Lambda.

Before switching production traffic to the new Lambda, CodeDeploy runs Postman tests. This is done by:

  • Having all production traffic (port 443) sent to the Lambda version considered live
  • Creating and deploying the new untested Lambda version to $LATEST
  • Invoking a separate "test" Lambda that runs Postman tests
    • These tests run against the port specified by codedeploy_test_listener_port, which corresponds to $LATEST
  • If the tests pass, we move the live alias to the now-tested $LATEST version of the Lambda

Note: If you do not specify use_codedeploy = true, the above process will not apply. Instead, the live alias will be updated directly by terraform apply.

Also Note: CodePipeline and CodeDeploy cannot be used together to deploy a Lambda. If you are using CodePipeline, you cannot specify use_codedeploy = true. CodeDeploy works fine with other pipelining tools (e.g. GitHub Actions).


For a Zip file lambda

module "lambda_api" {
  source       = ""
  app_name     = "my-lambda-codedeploy-dev"
  zip_filename = "./src/"
  zip_handler  = "index.handler"
  zip_runtime  = "nodejs20.x"

  hosted_zone                   = module.acs.route53_zone
  https_certificate_arn         = module.acs.certificate.arn
  vpc_id                        =
  public_subnet_ids             = module.acs.public_subnet_ids
  role_permissions_boundary_arn = module.acs.role_permissions_boundary.arn
  codedeploy_service_role_arn   = module.acs.power_builder_role.arn
  codedeploy_test_listener_port = 4443
  codedeploy_lifecycle_hooks = {
    BeforeAllowTraffic = aws_lambda_function.test_lambda.function_name
    AfterAllowTraffic  = null

For a docker image lambda:

module "lambda_api" {
  source                        = ""
  app_name                      = "my-docker-lambda"
  image_uri                     = "my-image-from-my-ecr:latest"
  hosted_zone                   = module.acs.route53_zone
  https_certificate_arn         = module.acs.certificate.arn
  vpc_id                        =
  public_subnet_ids             = module.acs.public_subnet_ids
  role_permissions_boundary_arn = module.acs.role_permissions_boundary.arn
  codedeploy_service_role_arn   = module.acs.power_builder_role.arn
  codedeploy_test_listener_port = 4443
  codedeploy_lifecycle_hooks = {
    BeforeAllowTraffic = aws_lambda_function.test_lambda.function_name
    AfterAllowTraffic  = null

Created Resources

  • Lambda Function
    • with IAM role and policies
    • with security group
    • with "live" alias (for blue-green deployment)
  • CloudWatch Log Group
  • ALB
    • with security group
    • with listeners and target groups
      • 80 (redirects to 443)
      • 443 (HTTPS forwards to "live")
      • test_listener_port (HTTPS forwards to "latest")
  • CodeDeploy App
    • with IAM role
  • CodeDeploy Group
  • DNS A-Record


  • Terraform version 0.13.2 or greater
  • AWS provider version 5.26 or greater


Name Type Description Default
app_name string Application name to name your Lambda API and other resources (Must be <= 28 alphanumeric characters)
image_uri string ECR Image URI containing the function's deployment package (conflicts with zip_file) null
zip_filename string File that contains your compiled or zipped source code.
zip_handler string Lambda event handler
zip_runtime string Lambda runtime
lambda_vpc_config object Lambda VPC object. Used if lambda requires to run inside a VPC null
environment_variables map(string) A map that defines environment variables for the Lambda function.
domain_url string Custom domain URL for the API, defaults to <app_name>.<hosted_zone_domain> null
hosted_zone object Hosted Zone object to redirect to ALB. (Can pass in the aws_hosted_zone object). A and AAAA records created in this hosted zone.
https_certificate_arn string ARN of the HTTPS certificate of the hosted zone/domain.
codedeploy_service_role_arn string ARN of the IAM Role for the CodeDeploy to use to initiate new deployments. (usually the PowerBuilder Role)
codedeploy_lifecycle_hooks object Define Lambda Functions for CodeDeploy lifecycle event hooks. Or set this variable to null to not have any lifecycle hooks invoked. Defaults to null null
codedeploy_appspec_filename string Filename (including path) to use when outputing appspec json. appspec.json in the current working directory (i.e. where you ran terraform apply)
codedeploy_test_listener_port number The port for a codedeploy test listener. If provided CodeDeploy will use this port for test traffic on the new replacement set during the blue-green deployment process before shifting production traffic to the replacement set. Defaults to null null
vpc_id string VPC ID to deploy ALB and Lambda (If specified).
public_subnet_ids list(string) List of subnet IDs for the ALB.
tags map(string) A map of AWS Tags to attach to each resource created {}
role_permissions_boundary_arn string IAM Role Permissions Boundary ARN
log_retention_in_days number CloudWatch log group retention in days. Defaults to 7. 7
lambda_policies list(string) List of IAM Policy ARNs to attach to the lambda role. []
lambda_layers list(string) List of Lambda Layer Version ARNs (maximum of 5) to attach to your function. []
timeout number How long the lambda will run (in seconds) before timing out 3 (same as terraform default)
memory_size number Size of the memory of the lambda. CPU will scale along with it 128 (same as terraform default)
xray_enabled bool Whether or not the X-Ray daemon should be created with the Lambda API. false
architecture string (Optional) Instruction set architecture for your Lambda function. Valid values are ["x86_64"] and ["arm64"]. Default is ["x86_64"]. Removing this attribute, function's architecture stay the same. "x86_64"


This variable is used when the lambda needs to be run from within a VPC.

  • subnet_ids - List of subnet IDs for the Lambda service.
  • security_group_ids - List of extra security group IDs to attach to the lambda.


This variable is used when generating the appspec.json file. This will define what Lambda Functions to invoke at specific lifecycle hooks. Set this variable to null if you don't want to invoke any lambda functions. Set each hook to null if you don't need a specific lifecycle hook function.

  • before_allow_traffic - lambda function name to run before public traffic points to new lambda version
  • after_allow_traffic - lambda function name to run after public traffic points to new lambda version


You can pass in either the object from the AWS terraform provider for an AWS Hosted Zone, or just an object with the following attributes:

  • name - (Required) Name of the hosted zone
  • id - (Required) ID of the hosted zone

CloudWatch logs

This module will create a CloudWatch log group named /aws/lambda/<app_name>.

For instance with the above example the logs could be found in the CloudWatch log group: aws/lambda/my-lambda-dev.


Name Type Description
lambda object The Lambda that handles API requests
lambda_security_group object Controls what the Lambda can access
lambda_live_alias object Controls which version of the Lambda receives "live" traffic
codedeploy_deployment_group object The CodeDeploy deployment group object.
codedeploy_appspec_json_file string Filename of the generated appspec.json file
alb object The Application Load Balancer (ALB) object
alb_security_group object The ALB's security group object
dns_record object The DNS A-record mapped to the ALB
cloudwatch_log_group object The log group for the Lambda's logs


This module also creates a JSON file in the project directory: appspec.json used to initiate a CodeDeploy Deployment.

Here's an example appspec.json file this creates:

  "Resources": [
      "apiLambdaFunction": {
        "Properties": {
          "Alias": "live",
          "CurrentVersion": "6",
          "Name": "my-lambda-codedeploy-dev",
          "TargetVersion": "6"
        "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function"
  "version": 1

And example with lifecycle hooks:

  "Hooks": [
      "BeforeAllowTraffic": "my-lambda-deploy-test"
  "Resources": [
      "apiLambdaFunction": {
        "Properties": {
          "Alias": "live",
          "CurrentVersion": "6",
          "Name": "my-lambda-codedeploy-dev",
          "TargetVersion": "6"
        "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function"
  "version": 1

CodeDeploy Blue-Green Deployment

If use_codedeploy = true is specified, this module creates a blue-green deployment process with CodeDeploy. If a codedeploy_test_listener_port is provided this module will create an ALB listener that will allow public traffic from that port to the running lambda.

When a CodeDeploy deployment is initiated (either via a pipeline or manually) CodeDeploy will:

  1. call lambda function defined for BeforeAllowTraffic hook
  2. associate the "live" alias "TargetVersion"
  3. call lambda function defined for AfterAllowTraffic hook

At any step the deployment can rollback (either manually or by the lambda functions in the lifecycle hooks or if there was an error trying to actually deploy)

If manual rollback is needed after the deployment has completed, that can be done in the Lambda Console:

  1. Select your Lambda Function.
  2. Select a function alias (aka. "Qualifier")
  3. Click the "Edit alias" button
  4. Select the version you want to roll back to
  5. Click "Save"
TODO add diagrams to explain the blue-green deployment process


If you require additional variables please create an issue and/or a pull request to add the variable and reach out to the Application Engineering SpecOps Green team (IT Collaboration -> OIT ENG AppEng - SpecOps Green channel).