Promoter Management
- Install Composer if you haven't already.
- Create a .env file and configure the database connection.
- Run php artisan key:generate to generate the application key.
- Run php artisan migrate to perform the database migrations.
- To populate test data into the database, first execute the seeders for skills and then for promoters:
- php artisan db:seed --class=SkillSeeder
- php artisan db:seed --class=PromoterSeeder
- Start the Laravel development server with php artisan serve.
Documentation and Test Functions
Visit to view the API documentation and test the API.
In the api-docs directory, you'll find an api-docs.json file. You can use this file to generate TypeScript clients or other documentation as needed.
To generate TypeScript clients from the API documentation, follow these steps:
1.Locate the api-docs.json file in the api-docs directory.
2.Use a tool or library, such as Swagger Codegen, to generate TypeScript clients based on the JSON file.
3.Customize the generated TypeScript code according to your project's requirements.