To run local dev server:
- clone this repository
- install node.js 6.xx
- run
sudo npm i -g yarn webpack
- run
- run
yarn run dev-server
To run tests:
- run
sudo npm i -g mocha
- run
yarn run test
How to build automatically on codeship:
- setup commands:
nvm install 6.7.0
npm cache clean
npm i -g yarn cross-env rimraf
npm rebuild node-sass
- test pipeline commands:
yarn run test
yarn run build
To use linter:
- install eslint globally
sudo npm i -g eslint
- add eslint plugin to your favorite editor
How to use this module in app:
- add it as a dependency in package.json (replace v1.0.2 with required tag):
"@buzzn/module_powertaker_form": "git+"
- add Auth reducers to app reducers:
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import Auth from '@buzzn/module_auth';
export default combineReducers({
auth: Auth.reducers,
- run Auth saga in saga middleware:
import Auth from '@buzzn/module_auth';
import appSaga from './sagas';
function* rootSaga() {
yield [call(Auth.sagas), call(appSaga)];
// ...
// store configuration;
// ...
- listen for Auth.constants.SIGN_IN and Auth.constants.SIGN_OUT actions when needed
- add Auth react components to UI (if needed): Auth.PasswordSignIn, Auth.RefreshButton, Auth.SignOutButton