$ sh start.sh
$ rebar ling-build-image
Now you have a file called vmling which is ready to run directly on the hypervisor
Be sure to configure the rebar plugin ling_builder properly: https://github.com/maximk/ling_builder
canonical receipe: http://erlangonxen.org/blog/making-amazon-ami
Create the loopback file:
$ truncate -s 10M noiseling.img && mkfs.ext2 -F noiseling.img
$ mkdir tmp && sudo mount noiseling.img tmp && mkdir tmp/boot && mkdir tmp/boot/grub
$ cp vmling tmp/boot && cp menu.lst tmp/boot/grub
$ cd tmp
$ sync
$ cd ..
$ sudo umount tmp
$ rm -R tmp
Now you can upload the AMI to EC2. Be sure to have your ec2 command line tools set up http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/SettingUp_CommandLine.html
$ mkdir tmp
$ ec2-bundle-image -c \ -k \ -u \ -i noiseling.img -d tmp/ -r x86_64
$ ec2-upload-bundle -b \ -m tmp/noiseling.img.manifest.xml -a \ -s \
$ ec2-register ec2-noiseling/noiseling.img.manifest.xml -n noiseling
!! Be aware streaming audio chunks does not work !!