This is a basic project for my personal site and with my portofolio included
- Next.js (Javascript & Typescript)
- Optimization SEO with next-seo
- Chakra UI
- ESlint & Prettier
- Husky & Commitizen with conventional message + emoticon & Commitlint integrated
- Dark & Light mode
- Parsing Markdown with Remark
- Page transitions and Animation effects with framer-motion combined with chakra-ui
you can visit at
Hello there 👋🏻, my name is Afif Abdillah Jusuf and I'm a software engineer.
I'm currently working as a Full Stack Developer.
Graduated from Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya as Associate Degree in Informatics Engineering.
Nice to meet you.
Visit my personal site at
This project is under MIT License. You can find the license in the LICENSE file.