- Pose Guided Person Image Generation (NIPS2017)
- Disentangled Person Image Generation (CVPR2018 Spotlight)
- Progressive Pose Attention Transfer for Person Image Generation (CVPR2019 Oral)
- Pose-normalized image generation for person re-identification
- PyTorch 1.1+(if you use Pytorch 1.0,
is also needed.) - ignite
- torchvision
- TensorBoard
- numpy
- tqdm
For fair comparison, all implementation use 263,632 training pairs and 12,000 testing pairs from Market-1501 as in PATN
description | download from |
Market1501 dataset images | Market1501 |
train/test splits market-pairs-train.csv , market-pairs-test.csv |
Pose-Transfer |
train/test key points annotations market-annotation-train.csv , market-annotation-train.csv |
Pose-Transfer |
Attribute of images not necessary for now | Market-1501_Attribute |
copy&rename above pair and annotation file to ./data
Finally, your ./data
folder looks like:
├── market
│ ├── annotation-test.csv
│ ├── annotation-train.csv
│ ├── pairs-test.csv
│ ├── pairs-train.csv
│ ├── attribute
│ │ ├── evaluate_market_attribute.m
│ │ ├── gallery_market.mat
│ │ ├── market_attribute.mat
│ │ ├── README.md
│ │ └── sample_image.jpg
│ │ ├── pose_map_image
│ │ └── pose_mask_image
│ ├── pose_map_image
│ └── pose_mask_image
python3 tool/generate_pose_map_add_mask.py --type train
python3 tool/generate_pose_map_add_mask.py --type test
Obviously, there is a lot of duplicate code between different implementations.
In order to avoid repeating myself, I introduced a concept called engine
Whether it is training or testing, it can be seen as an engine
, and some repetitive tasks
(like loading config, preparing GPU) are done in the run.py
is the start point to train or test.
the usage of run.py
$./run.py -h
usage: Train [-h] -g GPU_ID -c CONFIG -o OUTPUT [-t TOML]
positional arguments:
run which?
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GPU_ID, --gpu_id GPU_ID
gpu_id: e.g. 0
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
config file path
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output path
-t TOML, --toml TOML overwrite toml config use cli arg
During training, you can inspect log
with tensorboard:
# tensorboard --logdir </path/to/checkpoint> --port <port>
tensorboard --logdir ./checkpoints/PG2-1 --port 8000
# ./run.py <engine_name> -g <gpu_id> -c </path/to/config> -o </path/to/checkpoint>
# start to train PG2 stage1.
./run.py PG2-1 -g 1 -c ./implementations/PG2/stage1.toml -o ./checkpoints/PG2-1
# the way to generated images
./run.py PG2-Generator -g 1 -c ./implementations/PG2/stage2.toml -o ./generated_images/PG2
I use TOML
as the config format, and you can overwrite the config file with cli arg like this:
./run.py PG2-1 -g 1 -c ./implementations/PG2/stage1.toml -o ./checkpoints/PG2-1 \
-t "loss.mask_l1.weight=20" -t "train.data.replacement=true"
So, if you wang to specified generated images amount(default: full/12000), you can add a option: -t "generated_limit=100"
the full command example:
./run.py PG2-Generator -g 1 -c ./implementations/PG2/stage2.toml -t "generated_limit=100" -t "model.generator1.pretrained_path='./checkpoint/PG2-1/network_G1_26000.pth'" -t "model.generator2.pretrained_path='./checkpoint/PG2-2_26000/network_G2_13000.pth'" -o generated_images
First, please change dataset.path.train.image
in ./implementations/PG2/stage[1|2].toml
train stage 1: ./run.py PG2-1 --gpu_id 0 -c ./implementations/PG2/stage1.toml -o ./checkpoints/PG2-1
train stage 2: ./run.py PG2-2 -g 2 -c ./implementations/PG2/stage2.toml -o ./checkpoints/PG2-2
generate images: ./run.py PG2-Generator -c ./implementations/PG2/stage2.toml -o ./generated_images -g 3
generate a grid image as example: python tool/generate_grid.py -r ./generated_images -o images.jpg
Please note that this is NOT the best result, the result is just not bad. it can not be used in academic papers.
Pre-trained model can be downloaded Google Drive or Baidu Disk 提取码(code): n9nj
I also provided the tensorboard log file.
# download&extract files above.
unzip weights.zip
# generate all test images
./run.py PG2-Generator -c ./implementations/PG2/stage2.toml -o ./generated_images -g 3 -t "model.generator1.pretrained_path='path/to/weights/G1.pth'" -t "model.generator2.pretrained_path='path/to/weights/G2.pth'"
# random select some images to display
`python tool/generate_grid.py -r ./generated_images -o images.jpg`
# see training logs and images.
tensorboard --logdir path/to/weights/train2 --port 8080
For fair comparisons, I just copy&use the same evaluation codes in previous works, like Deform
, PG2
and PATN
I recommend using docker to evaluate the result
because evaluation codes use some outdated frameworks(Tensorflow 1.4.1
So, next:
- build docker image with
- run evaluate script
$ cd evaluate
$ docker build -t hpt_evaluate .
$ # For user in China, you can build docker image like this:
$ docker build -t hpt_evaluate . --build-arg PIP_PYPI="https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple"
$ cd ..
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/tmp -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 -w /tmp --runtime=nvidia -it --rm hpt_evaluate:latest python evaluate/getMetrics_market.py
Or use image tensorflow/tensorflow:1.4.1-gpu-py3
to evaluate in docker bash:
docker run -v $(pwd):/tmp -w /tmp --runtime=nvidia -it --rm tensorflow/tensorflow:1.4.1-gpu-py3 bash
# now in docker:
$ pip install scikit-image tqdm
$ python evaluate/getMetrics_market.py
Liqian Ma - PG2's Tensorflow implementation Thanks for his patience. ( ̄▽ ̄)"
@tengteng95 - Pose-Transfer for clear code structure and his great paper.