An Arduino project that uses various sensors to gather data and sends it back to the user radio control unit.
- Arduino Nano board
- radio receiver (TGY-IA6B)
- wires
- diode (1N4148)
- resistors (1x 10kΩ and 1x 100kΩ)
- perfboard
- barometric pressure sensor (BMP280)
- magnetic compass sensor (HMC-5883L)
- HobbyWing brushless RPM sensor (HW-BQ2017)
- Library for iBus communication: iBusBM
- Library for barometric sensor: Adafruit BMP280
- Library for compass: QMC5883LCompass
- RPM sensor code from TheBionicbone
!! Thank you all for your work !!
- Create voltage divider
- Create perfboard and connect sensors
- Connect perfboard to the Arduino
- Clone the repository
- Compile and upload the code to the Arduino
- Test everything
- Connect the receiver wires for the iBUS to the Arduino (only after uploading and testing the code)
- Wait for all sensors to start
- Fly and enjoy
It is possible to define up to 10 sensors. Available codes are:
- iBusSensor.addSensor(0x00); // Internal Voltage [V] ()
- iBusSensor.addSensor(0x01); // Temperature [°C] (400 + temp * 10)
- iBusSensor.addSensor(0x02); // Motor rotations [RPM] ()
- iBusSensor.addSensor(0x03); // External Voltage [V] ()
- iBusSensor.addSensor(0x41); // Pressure [hPa] ()
- iBusSensor.addSensor(0xfd); // Servo [?] ()
might never happen
- add SD card reader for data logging
- add GPS for position and speed logging
- autopilot possiblities
- code cleanup
- removal of code we do not use
- add RPM sensor
- add compass sensor
- add SD card reader/writer module to log data
- add gyroscope sensor
- add altitude sensor
- add external battery voltage sensor
- add iBUS communication path to send data from Arduino to RC transmitter module