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SoftCraft is fastest way to create new web application based on Abp Boilerplate framework


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About soft-craft-api!

SoftCraft is fastest way to create new web application based on Abp Boilerplate framework, we call it Generator! This is the backend service of the soft-craft application.

What are the benefits?

SoftCraft creates a backend using (.Net Core 6) and frontend (Angular) application based on the 'Project', 'Entity', 'Enums' and 'Navigation Items' data defined by the user from the web interface.

What Does It Create?

DotNetCodeGenerator creates Entities, Entity Configurations, Repositories, Enums, Dtos, AppServices and Permissions. TypeScriptCodeGenerator creates Dtos, Services, Routes, Enums, List-Create-Edit Components and Navigation Items. ProjectManager creates AbpBoilerplate application according to the generated codes.

Dependent Projects

Client project of SoftCraft: soft-craft-client
Base project to generate projects: soft-craft-base-apb-boilerplate-project



Example Entity

Entity details from Ui

C# Code Results


using System;
using Abp.Domain.Entities.Auditing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Abp.Domain.Entities;

namespace EFProject.Domain.Entities
	public class Teacher : FullAuditedEntity<int>
		public Teacher()
			Courses = new HashSet<Course>();
		public string TeacherName { get; set; }
		public virtual ICollection<Course>Courses { get; set; }
		public int StandartId { get; set; }
		public virtual Standart Standart { get; set; }

Entity Configuration (Entity Framework)

using EFProject.Domain.Entities;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Builders;

namespace EFProject.Domain.Configurations
	public class TeacherConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Teacher>
		public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Teacher> builder)
			builder.HasKey(x => x.Id);
			builder.Property(x => x.TeacherName).HasMaxLength(50);

			builder.HasMany(x => x.Courses)
				.WithOne(y => y.Teacher)
				.HasForeignKey(y => y.TeacherId)

Application Service

using Abp.Application.Services;
using Abp.Authorization;
using EFProject.Authorization;
using EFProject.Domain.Teacher.Dtos;
using EFProject.Domain.Teacher;
using EFProject.Domain.Entities;
using EFProject.EntityFrameworkCore.Repositories;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Abp.Application.Services.Dto;

namespace EFProject.Domain.Teacher
	public class TeacherAppService : AsyncCrudAppService<Entities.Teacher, TeacherFullOutput, int, GetTeacherInput, CreateTeacherInput, UpdateTeacherInput, GetTeacherInput, DeleteTeacherInput>, ITeacherAppService
		public TeacherAppService(ITeacherRepository teacherRepository) : base(teacherRepository)
			CreatePermissionName = PermissionNames.Teacher_Create;
			UpdatePermissionName = PermissionNames.Teacher_Update;
			DeletePermissionName = PermissionNames.Teacher_Delete;
			GetPermissionName = PermissionNames.Teacher_Get;
			GetAllPermissionName = PermissionNames.Teacher_GetList;

		public async Task<PagedResultDto<TeacherFullOutput>> GetTeachersByStandartId(int standartId)
			var items = await Repository.GetAllListAsync(x => x.StandartId == standartId);
			return new PagedResultDto<TeacherFullOutput>
				TotalCount = items.Count,
				Items = ObjectMapper.Map<List<TeacherFullOutput>>(items)



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