AFQuickLookView is an extension for AFNetworking that allows the display of remote files in a UIView subclass.
This is still in early stages of development, so proceed with caution when using this in a production application. Any bug reports, feature requests, or general feedback at this point would be greatly appreciated.
Add an instance of the AFQuickLookView to the view of you choosing:
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0, 100, 300, 300);
AFQuickLookView* quickLookView = [[AFQuickLookView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
[self.view addSubview:quickLookView];
Trigger loading a remote document:
NSString* fileURLString = @"";
NSURL* fileURL = [NSURL URLWithString:fileURLString];
[quickLookView previewDocumentAtURL:fileURL success:^{
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Could not preview document. Error:%@", error);
- iWork documents
- Microsoft Office documents (Office '97 and newer)
- Rich Text Format (RTF) documents
- PDF files
- Images
- Text files
- Comma-separated value (csv) files
In order for AFQuickLookView to work with remote files, the server response has to comply to one of these options:
a) include a Content-Type header, e.g.:
Content-Type: application/pdf
b) include the right filename and extension in the Content-Disposition header, i.e.:
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="examplefile.pdf"
Claudiu-Vlad Ursache
AFQuickLookView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.