The fastest way to connect to the cothority network
This package helps you connect to the cothority conodes, by connecting to a zinc instance.
First, install the dependency (it's ultra light ✨):
yarn add cothoreasy
Then, import it to your project:
import Cothoreasy from 'cothoreasy'
// or using CommonJS modules
const Cothoreasy = require('cothoreasy')
Instantiate the class, and then use it !
const coth = new Cothoreasy()
// use it with async/await
await coth.init()
console.log(await coth.status())
// use it with .then()
coth.init().then(() => {
You can pass in options when instantiating:
const coth = new Cothoreasy({ url: '' })
By default, cothoreasy connects to the BSA zinc instance. You can pass in the url for your own instance.
If you want to change the cothority, just check out which ones are available in coth.cothorities
and run coth.changeCothority(yourCothority)
(this will return a promise).