- Make a virtualenv inside the project
$ source env/bin/activate
- Make sure you have a recent pip version if you are using Mac OS X El Capitan and later or
package won't install correctlypip install -U upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements/base.txt
- Set up Google EarthEngine access
python -c "import ee; ee.Initialize()"
earthengine authenticate
- Authenticate to Google with your Google account
- Enter your token at the prompt in your terminal. This will save your credentials to
- test authentication is working:
# Import the Earth Engine Python Package
import ee
# Initialize the Earth Engine object, using the authentication credentials.
# Print the information for an image asset.
image = ee.Image('srtm90_v4')
For example:
python watersat.py -l /path/to/project/dir/data/in/southamerica1x1.json -j /path/to/project/dir/data/in/southamerica_water.json -o /path/to/project/dir/data/out/static -k `cat ~/.config/googlestaticmapsapi/credentials`
Also, see python watersat.py -h
for options. At present,
python watersat.py -h
Usage: watersat.py [options] -k <API key> -d <data path> [-z <zoom> -o <output file> -m <map type>]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-z ZOOM, --zoom=ZOOM Google Maps Zoom Level 1-18
path to an ESRI .shp input file for lat/lng area
-o OUT_DIR, --out=OUT_DIR
path to a folder where to store successful water
-j JSON_OUT, --jsonout=JSON_OUT
path where to save successful lat/lngs in JSON format
-k KEY, --apikey=KEY your Google Maps API key
-m MAPTYPE, --maptype=MAPTYPE
Google map type: 'terrain', 'streetmap', 'satellite',
or 'hybrid'. defaults to 'terrain'
path to an JSON file of point lat,lng pairs to use
instead of searching in shapefile
Which continent to explore (lower case): europe, north
america, south america, australia, asia, antarctica