Clone wherever folder you want
Open your terminal and go to your diretory where you cloned this application
Download the ZIP file from http://www.enterprisedb.com/products-services-training/pgbindownload
Unzip the archive into a directory of your choice (the archive is created such that unzipping it, it will create a directory pgsql with everything else below that)
Run initdb (this can be found in the subdirectory pgsql\bin)
initdb -D c:\Users\Arhtur\pgdata -U postgres -W -E UTF8 -A md5 This will create the postgres "data directory" (aka the "cluster") in c:\Users\Arhtur\pgdata. You need to make sure that the user running this command has full read/write privileges on that directory.
-U postgres creates the superuser as postgres, -W will prompt you for the password of the superuser, -E UTF8 will create the database with UTF-8 encoding and -A md5 enables the password authentication.
- To start Postgres, run:
pg_ctl -D c:\Users\Bruno\pgdata start this has(!) to be done as the user who ran initdb to avoid any problems with the access to the data directory.
- To shutdown Postgres, run:
pg_ctl -D c:\Users\Bruno\pgdata stop psql.exe (the command line client) and pgAdmin3.exe are both located in the bin directory.
Run npm install on prompt
Open file \server\config\config.json and configure you database connection(user,password,database...).
Create a database in your Postgre Database called "postit" or any name you want.
Run ..\node_modules.bin\sequelize db:migrate
Run npm install gulp -g
Run gulp
Your default browser will be opened at adress, localhost:5000 --if doesn`t work try localhost:3000---
curl --data "email=anyEmailYouWant&password=anyPasswordYouWant"
curl --data "title=anyTitleYouWant&text=anTitleYouWant&color=greenOrRedOrBlue&user_id=1"