- https://rosipay.net (General User Information, Links)
- https://github.com/brunnerm4x/rosi (Main Github Repository)
The Firefox Plugin is the largest piece of the ROSI Project. It brings everything together - the requests from the website, is responsible for the wallet of the user and therefore must not allow malicious payments and must communicate with the payment-servers to create Flash-Channels and transactions in time.
- Download built and signed package and install by visiting about:addons and select "Install Add-On from File" (see http://rosipay.net for details)
- NodeJs (https://nodejs.org)
- Various npm-modules, see package.json for details. These are installed by npm automatically.
git clone https://github.com/brunnerm4x/rosi-client.git
cd rosi-client/
npm i
Now all dependencies should be installed, to build for local use (FF: Load Temporary Add-on):
npm run build
To build signed version to be used persistently in normal Firefox, Mozilla API-Credentials are needed. With the credentials, you can create a script ~/Projects/sign_webextension.sh
that contains something like to following:
web-ext sign --api-key=user:XXXX:XXX --api-secret=xxxxxxx -a "../builds/"
Also you will have to change the plugin-id in the manifest.json file in plugin folder.
If everything is set up, build the signed Addon by running
npm run build-signed