E-mail: [email protected]
I have a bachelor's degree in software engineering from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) and I'm a student of the bachelor's degree in Mathematics at Estácio College (Distance learning), I work professionally in the area of research and development of artificial intelligence technologies, machine vision, robotics and autonomous navigation using python as main language.
Here you will find materials from personal projects, research and studies carried out, for example:
🧠 Artificial neural networks using Keras and TensorFlow
💬 LLMs using langchain, hunggingface and RAG techniques
🧬 Genetic Algorithms
📈 Classic models for classification, regression and grouping
👁️🗨️ Computer vision and digital image processing with OpenCV
📊 Statistics applied to data analysis and machine learning
🤖 Robotics and autonomous navigation with ROS (robot operating system)
👉 And More
My English is always in progress. I can read, write, listen and understand, but I haven't had many opportunities to practice speaking.
In English: ICET team is classified for next stage of international competition of Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning Papers
Iglesias, B and Lima, J. (2024). Addressed the problem of positive reviews using negative words in sentiment analysis with BERT . Published in the International Journal of Engineering Research and Development- IJERD. e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X,Volume 20, Issue 6 (JUN. 2024).
Iglesias, B.; Otani, M. and Oliveira, F. (2021). Glue Level Estimation through Automatic Visual Inspection in PCB Manufacturing. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - ICINCO, ISBN 978-989-758-522-7; ISSN 2184-2809, pages 731-738. DOI: 10.5220/0010540807310738
Data Science Papers
Neto, E.; Lima, J. and Iglesias, B. (2023). Study of the Vegetation Index in the Alter do Chão Environmental Protection Area Using Cloud Tools. In Proceedings of the Amazon International Conference on Public Policy and Data Science. ISBN: 978-65-89463-43-6.
Neto, E.; Lima, J. and Iglesias, B. (2023). Study of Hot Spots in the Alter do Chão Environmental Protection Area Based on Open Data. In Proceedings of the Amazon International Conference on Public Policy and Data Science. ISBN: 978-65-89463-43-6.
Neto, E.; Reis, L.; Lima, J. and Iglesias, B. (2023). Study of the temporal and spatial dynamics of fire hotspots in Tefé National Forest based on open data . In Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Conservation and Participatory Management in the Amazon. (recently published)