CLI that helps you to add Blue Web or Bootstrap CSS and customize it.
npm i -g themify-cli
Run this to see all available commands and options:
themify help
Run this to create a custom theme CSS file locally:
themify blue-web -o my-theme.css
Some prompts will guide you through the process.
is the base command. For most cases you should use one of the other commands above instead.
When your project not already has a full Bootstrap CSS file, run this to add one:
themify compile --output bootstrap.min.css --full
Choose one of the styles
themify compile -o variables.min.css -s new-york
Create a file with custom Sass variables:
// my-vars.scss
$primary: yellow;
Then run this:
themify compile -o variables.min.css -s new-york --import-before my-vars.scss
To override CSS variables, you set a file that should be imported after Bootstrap:
/* my-css-vars.css */
.btn-primary {
--bs-btn-color: blue !important;
themify compile -o variables.min.css -s new-york --import-before my-vars.scss --import-after my-css-vars.css