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unit tests and fixes for what the tests found
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davidangb committed Mar 18, 2024
1 parent ac43897 commit 36a98e9
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Expand Up @@ -414,23 +414,29 @@ class EntityService(rawlsDAO: RawlsDAO, importServiceDAO: ImportServiceDAO, cwds
// if cWDS is enabled, query cWDS for job
val cwdsFuture: Future[ImportServiceListResponse] = if (cwdsDAO.isEnabled) {
rawlsDAO.getWorkspace(workspaceNamespace, workspaceName)(userInfo) map { workspace =>
cwdsDAO.getJobV1(workspace.workspace.workspaceId, jobId)(userInfo)
val cwdsResponse = cwdsDAO.getJobV1(workspace.workspace.workspaceId, jobId)(userInfo)"Found job $jobId in cWDS")
} else {
Future.failed(new FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport(ErrorReport(StatusCodes.NotFound, s"Import $jobId not found")))

// if cWDS found the job, return it; else, try Import Service
cwdsFuture map { cwdsResponse =>"Found job $jobId in cWDS")
} recoverWith {
case _ =>
importServiceDAO.getJob(workspaceNamespace, workspaceName, jobId)(userInfo) map { importServiceResponse =>"Found job $jobId in Import Service")
val importServiceFuture: () => Future[ImportServiceListResponse] = () => importServiceDAO.getJob(workspaceNamespace, workspaceName, jobId)(userInfo) map { importServiceResponse =>"Found job $jobId in Import Service")
} recover { importServiceError =>"Job $jobId not found in either cWDS or Import Service: " + importServiceError.getClass.getName)
importServiceError match {
case fex: FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport => throw fex
case t => throw new FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport(ErrorReport(StatusCodes.InternalServerError, t))

// if cWDS found the job, return it; else, try Import Service
cwdsFuture recoverWith {
case _ => importServiceFuture.apply()

def getEntitiesWithType(workspaceNamespace: String, workspaceName: String, userInfo: UserInfo): Future[PerRequestMessage] = {
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package org.broadinstitute.dsde.firecloud.dataaccess

import org.broadinstitute.dsde.firecloud.model.{AsyncImportRequest, AsyncImportResponse, ImportServiceListResponse, UserInfo}
import org.databiosphere.workspacedata.client.ApiException
import org.databiosphere.workspacedata.model.GenericJob

trait CwdsDAO {
Expand All @@ -9,14 +10,17 @@ trait CwdsDAO {

def getSupportedFormats: List[String]

def listJobsV1(workspaceId: String,
runningOnly: Boolean
)(implicit userInfo: UserInfo): List[ImportServiceListResponse]

def getJobV1(workspaceId: String,
jobId: String
)(implicit userInfo: UserInfo): ImportServiceListResponse

def importV1(workspaceId: String,
asyncImportRequest: AsyncImportRequest
)(implicit userInfo: UserInfo): GenericJob
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,14 +10,17 @@ import org.broadinstitute.dsde.firecloud.model.ModelJsonProtocol._
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.firecloud.model.{AsyncImportRequest, EntityUpdateDefinition, FirecloudModelSchema, ImportServiceListResponse, ImportServiceResponse, ModelSchema, RequestCompleteWithErrorReport, UserInfo, WithAccessToken}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.firecloud.service.PerRequest.RequestComplete
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.firecloud.service.{BaseServiceSpec, PerRequest}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.model.{ErrorReport, WorkspaceAccessLevels, WorkspaceBucketOptions, WorkspaceResponse, WorkspaceSubmissionStats}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.rawls.model.{ErrorReport, ErrorReportSource}
import{GcsBucketName, GcsObjectName, GcsPath}
import org.databiosphere.workspacedata.client.ApiException
import org.databiosphere.workspacedata.model.GenericJob
import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers
import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any
import org.mockito.Mockito.{never, times, verify, when}
import org.mockito.Mockito.{doThrow, never, times, verify, when}
import org.parboiled.common.FileUtils
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
import org.scalatest.time.{Millis, Span}
import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar.{mock => mockito}

import java.util.UUID
Expand All @@ -26,6 +29,9 @@ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._
import scala.concurrent.Future

class EntityServiceSpec extends BaseServiceSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach {

implicit val errorReportSource: ErrorReportSource = ErrorReportSource("EntityServiceSpec")

override def beforeEach(): Unit = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -388,12 +394,193 @@ class EntityServiceSpec extends BaseServiceSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach {

"EntityService.getJob" - {
"should return correctly if job found in cWDS" is pending
"should return correctly if job not found in cWDS, but is found in Import Service" is pending
"should return correctly if cWDS errors, but is found in Import Service" is pending
"should return 404 if job not found in either cWDS or Import Service" is pending
"should return Import Service's error if job not found in cWDS and Import Service errors" is pending
"should return Import Service's error if cWDS errors and Import Service errors" is pending

val importServiceNotFound = new FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport(
"Import Service unit test intentional error"))

"should return correctly if job found in cWDS and not call Import Service" in {
val jobId = UUID.randomUUID().toString

val cwdsResponse = ImportServiceListResponse(jobId, "status1", "filename1", None)

// set up mocks
val cwdsDAO = mockito[MockCwdsDAO]
val importServiceDAO = mockito[MockImportServiceDAO]

when(cwdsDAO.getJobV1(any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo]))
when(importServiceDAO.getJob(any[String], any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo]))

// inject mocks to entity service
val entityService = getEntityService(mockImportServiceDAO = importServiceDAO, cwdsDAO = cwdsDAO)

// get job via entity service
val actual = entityService.getJob("workspaceNamespace", "workspaceName", jobId, dummyUserInfo("mytoken")).futureValue

actual shouldBe cwdsResponse
verify(importServiceDAO, never).getJob(any[String], any[String], any[String])(any[UserInfo])
"should return correctly if job not found in cWDS, but is found in Import Service" in {
val jobId = UUID.randomUUID().toString

val importServiceResponse = ImportServiceListResponse(jobId, "status1", "filename1", None)

// set up mocks
val cwdsDAO = mockito[MockCwdsDAO]
val importServiceDAO = mockito[MockImportServiceDAO]

doThrow(new ApiException(404, "unit test intentional error"))
.when(cwdsDAO).getJobV1(any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo])
when(importServiceDAO.getJob(any[String], any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo]))

// inject mocks to entity service
val entityService = getEntityService(mockImportServiceDAO = importServiceDAO, cwdsDAO = cwdsDAO)

// get job via entity service
val actual = entityService.getJob("workspaceNamespace", "workspaceName", jobId, dummyUserInfo("mytoken")).futureValue

actual shouldBe importServiceResponse
"should return correctly if cWDS errors, but is found in Import Service" in {
val jobId = UUID.randomUUID().toString

val importServiceResponse = ImportServiceListResponse(jobId, "status1", "filename1", None)

// set up mocks
val cwdsDAO = mockito[MockCwdsDAO]
val importServiceDAO = mockito[MockImportServiceDAO]

doThrow(new ApiException(500, "unit test intentional error"))
.when(cwdsDAO).getJobV1(any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo])
when(importServiceDAO.getJob(any[String], any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo]))

// inject mocks to entity service
val entityService = getEntityService(mockImportServiceDAO = importServiceDAO, cwdsDAO = cwdsDAO)

// get job via entity service
val actual = entityService.getJob("workspaceNamespace", "workspaceName", jobId, dummyUserInfo("mytoken")).futureValue

actual shouldBe importServiceResponse
"should return 404 if job not found in either cWDS or Import Service" in {
val jobId = UUID.randomUUID().toString

// set up mocks
val cwdsDAO = mockito[MockCwdsDAO]
val importServiceDAO = mockito[MockImportServiceDAO]

doThrow(new ApiException(404, "cWDS unit test intentional error"))
.when(cwdsDAO).getJobV1(any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo])
when(importServiceDAO.getJob(any[String], any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo]))

// inject mocks to entity service
val entityService = getEntityService(mockImportServiceDAO = importServiceDAO, cwdsDAO = cwdsDAO)

// get job via entity service
val getJobFuture = entityService.getJob("workspaceNamespace", "workspaceName", jobId, dummyUserInfo("mytoken"))

ScalaFutures.whenReady(getJobFuture.failed) { actual =>
actual shouldBe a [FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport]
val fex = actual.asInstanceOf[FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport]
fex.errorReport.statusCode should contain (StatusCodes.NotFound)
"should return Import Service's error if job not found in cWDS and Import Service errors" in {
val jobId = UUID.randomUUID().toString

// set up mocks
val cwdsDAO = mockito[MockCwdsDAO]
val importServiceDAO = mockito[MockImportServiceDAO]

doThrow(new ApiException(404, "cWDS unit test intentional error"))
.when(cwdsDAO).getJobV1(any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo])
when(importServiceDAO.getJob(any[String], any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo]))
new FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport(
"Import Service unit test intentional error"))

// inject mocks to entity service
val entityService = getEntityService(mockImportServiceDAO = importServiceDAO, cwdsDAO = cwdsDAO)

// get job via entity service
val getJobFuture = entityService.getJob("workspaceNamespace", "workspaceName", jobId, dummyUserInfo("mytoken"))

ScalaFutures.whenReady(getJobFuture.failed) { actual =>
actual shouldBe a [FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport]
val fex = actual.asInstanceOf[FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport]
fex.errorReport.statusCode should contain (StatusCodes.ImATeapot)
fex.errorReport.message shouldBe "Import Service unit test intentional error"
"should return Import Service's error if cWDS errors and Import Service errors" in {
val jobId = UUID.randomUUID().toString

// set up mocks
val cwdsDAO = mockito[MockCwdsDAO]
val importServiceDAO = mockito[MockImportServiceDAO]

doThrow(new ApiException(500, "cWDS unit test intentional error"))
.when(cwdsDAO).getJobV1(any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo])
when(importServiceDAO.getJob(any[String], any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo]))
new FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport(
"Import Service unit test intentional error"))

// inject mocks to entity service
val entityService = getEntityService(mockImportServiceDAO = importServiceDAO, cwdsDAO = cwdsDAO)

// get job via entity service
val getJobFuture = entityService.getJob("workspaceNamespace", "workspaceName", jobId, dummyUserInfo("mytoken"))

ScalaFutures.whenReady(getJobFuture.failed) { actual =>
actual shouldBe a [FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport]
val fex = actual.asInstanceOf[FireCloudExceptionWithErrorReport]
fex.errorReport.statusCode should contain (StatusCodes.ImATeapot)
fex.errorReport.message shouldBe "Import Service unit test intentional error"
"should not call cWDS or Rawls if cWDS is not enabled" in {
val jobId = UUID.randomUUID().toString

val importServiceResponse = ImportServiceListResponse(jobId, "status1", "filename1", None)

// set up mocks
val cwdsDAO = mockito[MockCwdsDAO]
val importServiceDAO = mockito[MockImportServiceDAO]
val mockRawlsDAO = mockito[MockRawlsDAO]

when(importServiceDAO.getJob(any[String], any[String], ArgumentMatchers.eq(jobId))(any[UserInfo]))

// inject mocks to entity service
val entityService = getEntityService(mockImportServiceDAO = importServiceDAO, cwdsDAO = cwdsDAO, rawlsDAO = mockRawlsDAO)

// get job via entity service
val actual = entityService.getJob("workspaceNamespace", "workspaceName", jobId, dummyUserInfo("mytoken")).futureValue

actual shouldBe importServiceResponse
verify(cwdsDAO, never).getJobV1(any[String], any[String])(any[UserInfo])
verify(mockRawlsDAO, never).getWorkspace(any[String], any[String])(any[UserInfo])

private def getEntityService(mockGoogleServicesDAO: MockGoogleServicesDAO = new MockGoogleServicesDAO,
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