Firmata with the addition of the firmata stepper addition written by @soundanalogous with some tweaks to allow for limit switches. Robust firmata also includes the Encoder and OneWire protocols though only the Encoder one has been tested.
to install just move the all the files except the openframeworks folders to the utility folder of your arduino Firmata install
on a pc it might be located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\Firmata
for OSX
right click on the and show package contents. The folder will be in contents/Resources/Java/libraries/Firamta
I would suggest using the RobustFirmata sketch included here and then just removing features you don't need.
Extras ++++++++++++++
Reworking the openframeworks addon, currently the ofArduino located in my repo at: will enable all funcitonality except some of the non-standard stepper calls