Mini quizzes on True Crime information.
This project is a website that provides mini quizzes on True Crime information. The website allows users to create an account that will allow them to create their own quizzes as well as keep track of their quiz scores.
This project is created with:
- Express version: 4.17.1
- Mongo JS version: 3.1.0
- Mongoose version: 6.0.13
- Nodemon version: 2.0.15
- Path version: 0.12.7
- Emotion React version: 11.6.0
- Emotion Styled version:
- MUI Icons-Material version: 5.2.0
- MUI Material version: 5.2.0
- MUI Styled-Engine version: 5.1.0
- Bootstrap version: 5.1.3
- Framer Motion version: 4.1.17
- React Bootstrap version: 2.0.2
- React Router DOM version: 6.0.2
- Styled Components version: 5.3.3
To run this project, install it locally using npm
- $ npm install express
- $ npm install mongodb
- $ npm install mongoose
- $ npm install nodemon
- $ npm install @emotion/react
- $ npm install @emotion/Styled
- $ npm install @mui/icons-material
- $ npm install @mui/material
- $ npm install @mui/styled-Engine
- $ npm install bootstrap
- $ npm install framer-motion
- $ npm install react-bootstrap
- $ npm install react-router-dom
- $ npm install styled-components
These are instructions on setting up this project locally on your machine. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Make sure you have the latest installation of NPM (Node Package Manager) by following this step.
- Install/update NPM
npm install npm@latest -g
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Run project
npm run start
- Bret Petersen (
- Emily Daniel (
- Jack Theisen (
- Lindsey Theis Betsinger (
Heroku deployment:
Username / Email: [email protected]
Password: Test1234!